Quotidian Make up: At the MFA

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With Ivan 

what he didn't understand he didn't see

pushed through modernism 

pulled through post 


even yanking through the egyptians

the real event,

the many glass elevators,

spiral staircases,

cuts and nooks

through the galleys.

structure of the structure

of the structure,

studs and joists,

rafter and gate,

lass walls clear and ideal as spring water

the guts another rib show

the real marvel,

a grump might tell you,

because the elevator

might as well have no cieling,

because the Maharajah's silver

is just a bunch of ladies teacups

elevators and spiral staircases 

so many fountains to throw coins

nothing compares, for old men and small boys

the miracle of going up and down in the world

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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