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You and Tamaki were hanging out at your house and you were on your period still. You reached under the bed to grab some candy from your stash but you freaked out. You screamed at the top of your lungs and Tamaki jumped, falling off the bed. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU! YOUR THE WORSE BOYFRIEND EVER!" You yelled and jumped off the bed "What?! What did I even do?!" He asked worried "YOU ATE THE LAST OF MY CANDY!" You yelled and sat in the corner "What the hell! Are you yelling at me over candy? I didn't eat it!" He got frustrated. "Whatever! Just go to your boyfriend Kyoyas room, I see how you look at him!" Tamaki got angry but you could tell he was just hurt by what you were saying. "You know what?! Fine!"


You had been crying for a while when Kyoya came in and pushed Tamaki into your room. "Take him, his crying makes it hard to focus" He says and closes the door. Tamaki looks at you with red eyes and you look back at him with eyes equally red. You got off the bed and jumped forward "I'm so so sorry" You cried into his chest, he holds tour close and gets his head in the crook of your neck. "It's okay, I shouldn't have eaten the candy" You stiffen and pull back. "SO YOU DID EAT MY CANDY!" he sighed and pulled you back to him in a crushing hug "I will get you all the candy in the world of it means your not mad at me my princess!"



It was a normal day at the host club.You were tired and Kyoya was irritated by Tamaki's shenanigans. You yawned a laid on Kyoya and he flipped out. "Ugh! Your just like a child sometimes (y/n)! Grow up!" He yelled and got up, stomping off quickly. You got upset quickly and your eyes began to water. Everyone had just seen his outburst and some of the girls visiting had came over to see if you were ok. "Hey, are you ok? We saw what happened. It was pretty wrong of him to go off like that!" One of the girls, Sakura if your not mistaken, said and sat by you, rubbing your back gently. "Yea, he didn't have to go off on you, you didn't do anything wrong" One of the others, Kira, said. Others joined in to comfort you and you began to let the tears fall.


You and the other girls sat and talked until the host club ended. Sakura offered to take you home since you were supposed to go to Kyoya's and your driver had the day off. You were about to get in the car when you heard your name being called. Turning, you saw Kyoya running to you. You looked at Sakura and she nodded. You walked over to Kyoya with your head down and he just hugged you "(y/n), I am so sorry. I've been so stressed lately and I shouldn't have taken it out on you, forgive me?" He asked and you looked up at him and nodded, hugging him back.



You were walking around town with Hikaru when you saw one of your old friends. He was like a big brother to you and that's how you saw him. "Ren?" You asked aloud and he turned around. "(y/n)?!" He asked and you ran over to him. He picked you up and spun you around like when you were kids. "Ren! It's been so long, too long!" You laughed and Hikaru coughed to make his presence known. Ren set you down and you walked over to Hikaru "Ren this is my boyfriend Hikaru, Hikaru this is Ren!" You said excitedly. Hikaru looked at Ren and just huffed. You, Hikaru, and Ren all went to the food court so you and Ren could catch up. Hikaru was being incredibly rude and it was pissing you off. You and Ren were laughing and talking when Hikaru snapped. "Ugh! Why are you still talking to this loser?! He's not your boyfriend, I am!" You got angry at that statement and fired back "Maybe he should be my boyfriend instead of a rude jerk like you!" You snapped and Hikaru huffed and walked off. You sighed and Ren stood up, "well on that note I should be leaving, it was great catching up" You guys said your goodbyes and when he walked away your sat down and laid your head on the table. About 20 minutes later you feel a hand, gently touch your back. You jumped and turned around only to see an upset and embarrassed looking Hikaru looking away and scratching the back of his neck. "Uh, hey (y/n), I thought about what I said and I realized I was wrong to say those things... I'm sorry" You stood up and wrapped your arms around him. "It's okay, I'm sorry for what I said. I don't want anyone other than my player one" You said and he smiled slightly. "Besides Hikaru, if it makes you feel any better he's completely gay" You giggled out and he blushed bright red.



It was almost Halloween and you were walking to the host club. You had a bad day and the club was cancelled today due to a meeting to plan the Halloween party.As you approached to began to see all the Halloween decorations on the door. You slowly opened the door and stepped into the club room only to see.... Nothing. It was pitch dark, since you were scared of the dark you turned to walk out. When you turned around their stood what looked like a tall shadow of a man. You did the only reasonable thing. You screamed at the top if your lungs. The lights came on and the tall shadow was just Hikaru and Kaoru stacked up. Seeing Kaoru you immediately got mad. He knew you were scared of this stuff and he was the only one that knew so this was his idea. You were so frustrated you began to cry. "Baby are you alright? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" Kaoru said as he rushed to you and you went off. "I can't believe you! You knew how much the stuff scares me so you had to do it! I can't believe I trusted you with my fears! Your such a jerk!" You yelled and stomped off to the Rose maze, your driver wasn't picking you up for an hour and you didn't wanna bother him. You had been sitting in the gazebo there for a while when you heard someone coming. Having no motivation to move, you just put your legs up and hid your face in them. "(y/n)?" You heard a familiar voice making you look. Kaoru was looking guilty and upset. "Hey, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done what I did" He apologized and you stood up and kissed him "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way. Forgive me?" You asked and he smiled and nodded, hugging you tight.





You were hungry so you went to the kitchen. You saw one last price of cake and shrugged. You took the last piece and put it on a plate and finished it pretty quickly. You put the plate in the sink and a happy Hani skipped in. "Hi sweetie!" You said happily and he smiled at you "Hi (y/n)" He went to where the cake was and frowned. "Who ate the last piece?" He said, clearly upset. "Oh, I did. I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted it" You said guilty. He got angry "Whatever! That was my cake!" He yelled at you and stomped away. You got upset and looked down. About a minute later he ran back in the room and hugged you "I'm so sorry (n/n)~Chan! I didn't mean to be rude! Please don't be mad!" You giggled and hugged him back "It's ok! Wanna go get more cake?!" You asked and he nodded and began dragging you out.



You were having a fun little movie night with Haruhi and you threw some popcorn at her and she laughed and through some back and you guys started a full on popcorn war. Ranka came in and began to laugh at you guys and you all cleaned up the mess after the movie.


GUYS I'M SO SO SORRY! I COULDN'T THINK OF THINKS FOR NEKOZAWA AND AND KASANODA! I hate drama and fights so writing this was so hard for me! I only wrote it cause my friend requested it but I promise i will they doing better! Also there was lots of hugging in this, I literally love hugs and nothing seemed completed without them, sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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