Chapter 7 - Painting

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The rouge didn't really get the whole mate thing.

What was the point? He doubted he would ever find his mate, and even if he did, he wouldn't live long enough in order to even start a family with them. He was likely going to get killed by a werewolf or injured in an accident, which he would have nobody to heal him or even help him. He predicted he would be dead in a few years, bleeding out onto the grass before dusting away.

But, mates weren't completely useless to him. First off, the hope of finding his mate was the only thing keeping him going. He needed some sort of motivation to keep him even bothering to live his terrible life, and that was it. He was hoping his mate, which would probably be human since he wasn't an Alpha, would move to his village so he didn't have to go risk finding them. Though it was highly doubtful, he still hoped.

Then, there was that case with the werewolf and his mate, the one who was looking for him last night. The rouge had been following the werewolf from a safe distance to see if he could learn anything about if he wanted him dead or not. He made a slip up though and fell, and the werewolf would've definitely found him if it wasn't for him being distracted by his mate. So, the rouge was pretty thankful for that.

Then there was the moment when he met those two normal monsters from the village, which he had seen around before. He decided to help them, though, since it served no threat to his safety. They were just normal monsters, and they had already seen a werewolf and didn't tell anyone, so the rouge wasn't risking much by leading them back to the village.

"Maybe... I can use them to my advantage..." The rouge muttered to himself, leaning against the tree with a sigh.


"Blue!" Ink said, bringing Blue into a hug, "God, we were so worried about you. You disappeared and we couldn't find you!"

Blue had done what the rouge told Sci and Ink, showing up to the village in the morning. However, he had someone in tow with him, which he was holding hands with.

"Sorry, I fell behind," Blue said, hugging back Ink.

"That's a good enough hug," Dust said, lightly separating the two from their hug.

"Oh, you guys never met!" Blue said, turning to Dust, "Dust, this is Ink. Ink, this is Dust, my new boyfriend!"

"Oh, well, that was fast. Nice to meet you!" Ink said, shaking Dust's hand, "You're a werewolf, right?"

"Did word spread around town?" Dust asked Ink.

"Only Blue, Sci, Geno, and I know," Ink said, "Don't worry, we'll stay silent."

"That's good," Dust sighed with relief, "We don't want to cause a panic or attack. That'd be bad."

"Oh, Ink, I almost forgot to tell you," Blue said, "I'm going to be moving in with Dust now, since we're soul mates."

"Really?" Ink asked, "How do you know if he's your soul mate?"

"Werewolfs can sense their soul mates, we automatically know," Dust explained, "And our mates can sense it too. So, we both feel sparks when we touch. That's why your friend, Geno, is at the mansion as well. He's mates with Death."

"Oh, that makes more sense on why he didn't come back..." Ink observed.

"Who are those people staring at me?" Dust whispered to Blue, leaning over as he stared uneasily at the group of children looking directly at him.

"You're new, it's a rare sight," Blue explained to him.


"Are we going to out spot anytime soon?" Ink asked Blue, "I really want to finish my painting."

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