Feeding dogs

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I was awakened by the sunshine coming through the windows, I was stunned because the drapes where heavy and not even that could keep the sun and its powerful rays out.

I got out of bed unwillingly just for me to notice I was still in my dirty uniform from yesterday.

I stripped out of my clothes and wrapped my also scented towel, it was like everything was scented in this house, so unusual I couldn't even afford deodorant.

I stepped into the shower and it smelled of scented lilies. I guess each room has a different scent particularly of tropical flowers.

I turned on the shower and it let out cold water, I let it control my body, the coldness of water soothed my senses. I used this time to rethink my plans very well.

I washed my hair with the shampoo that smelt of strawberries, I loved the scent because it calmed me along with the cold water.

I was shaken out of my thought when I heard a knock on my door alongside someone calling my name.

"Drew? Drew?" the mystery person called out

" It's eight fifteen and you need to go feed the dogs"

What dogs? I wondered to myself. One thing I know is that I have a death fear of dogs, snakes, lizards and every living thing that isn't human. Even flies creep me out and don't get me started on roaches. Those little brown creatures with six abnormal legs and antennas and white transparent blood when smashed because of the level of harm it causes humans, unleashing its many diseases upon human life.

Perfect definition of ew.

" What dogs? I wasn't specifically warned about any pets " I said

" You shall do as I say or you shall find yourself out of this door in a flash" the person on the other side of the door.

Hearing this made me recognize the voice as that of Mrs. Rowland.

" Yes ma'am I will be out before you can say Jack Robinson" I yelled.

I could feel her roll her eyes and walk away.

I let out a sigh of relief and turned off the water and came out of the bathtub.

I packed my hair up into messy bun after I finished drying it. I threw on a new maid uniform, just a little different from the last one.

Throwing on the flats they gave me.


I headed to the kitchen, expecting it to be empty but Elliot sat there eating pancakes.

"Good morning" I say

I receive a grunt for a response, seeing that as quite a rude response to my greeting.

I straighten up and cough to get his attention but that that didnt do much as he just continued stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Good morning" I say again with more force.

He looks up at me with his mouth still stuffed with pancakes.

"The proper thing to do is to say good morning back as it is very polite" I say

He stops eating his food and gets off the stool. He comes towards me stopping about five inches away. Fear grips my whole body thinking he was going to hit me although I should be used to constant abuse by men.

But he doesn't do anything violent.

He leans in a little "Good morning maid, happy?" he says with an intimidating look on his face.

I decide it wise not to show any sign of fear for this could only make his ego grow bigger and he would have the idea of me actually being afraid of him.

I stand straight and say "yes, thank you".

I walk further into the kitchen and searched for the dog food. I finally spotted it on the highest shelf I definitely couldn't reach.

Even if I tried stretching alongside standing on the tip of my toes it would still be impossible. I stood at the very small height of 5"1.

I still had the option of jumping but Elliot's presence did not allow me to do so.

I could feel his eyes staring at me probably trying to have a laugh.

Without a word he walked over to where I stood and brought the bag of dog food down.

"Thank you" I say with half a smile.

"Don't expect it all the time" he says with a mean stare.

" Any chance you could assist me in feeding the dogs?.. I have a deathly fear of them" I ask with my head facing down.

He says nothing for a while, just eating his stack of never ending pancakes.

"Please" I add

With that he gets up and carries the pack of dog food whilst I carried the dog bowls.

I follow him quietly as he led the way.

We enter the garden where two kennels stood. Agatha definitely didnt show me this area.

Two big dogs started barking at me even before we came close to the kennels.

I stand back as Elliot opens the cage and quickly puts the bowl on the floor and shuts the cage. If he had stayed a second longer the dog would've attacked him.

We turn to the other kennel which holds a bigger dog much more terrifying than the last.

Elliot prepares himself and lets out a deep breath. He approaches the cage as the dog barks at him violently.

Elliot opens the cage quickly but just a little and practically throws the bowl in.

Luck wasnt on his side this time because as he moved his hand away it got stuck between the irons giving the dog an opportunity to scratch at his hand before he got free and closed the cage door.

I gasped and ran towards him.

" Oh I'm sorry, you need first aid... come with me".

I dragged him back into the living room and sat him on the couch.

I ran to the store and got the first aid kit.

I ran back out and kneeled beside him.

Applying some medication he let out a grunt. Luckily the scratch was minor and not too deep but it still let out a lot of blood.

I cleaned the wound up fast and wrapped a bandage round it.

"You keep those as pets?" I asked

"They aren't pets their guard dogs" he replies

" Do I have to feed them all the time" I ask

"No we have a guy" he says

Nodding I get up and head out of the room.

"Thank you" I say before fully exiting. Being around him made my heart race, it's such an unusual feeling to me yet I'm certain I've felt it before.

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