Tonight at 9.

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Pax East. The event people attend to meet their favorite Youtubers, get merch for way more then what it is worth, and to genuinely have a good time. I was there because someone personally from the Pax East crew invited me to a tournament they were having for CSGO. I shouldn't gloat, but I'm pretty god damn good at CSGO. I stream off of Twitch and have a pretty big following. I competitively play CSGO for a living, and for being a Twitch streamer, I make a decent amount of money. Right now, I'm roaming around before the doors open so I can talk to some of my friends that I have made from streaming. I'm so grateful that I convinced Pax to give me an all four day pass.

"Hey (Y/N)!" I turn around to see one of my good friends and fellow streamer, Noah. I smile and instantly hug her.

"Hey! Did you come for-" She nods her head before I even finish my sentence.

"Everyone knows what you and I came for sweetcheeks." I smile and roll my eyes. Noah has been my friend since I started playing CSGO, but she always seems to make me roll my eyes at least once a day. Noah starts talking but soon gets interrupted by her phone. She excuses herself and mouths "I'll talk to you later". I give her a small wave, and continue my way.


The doors are getting ready to open, and I'm on my way to the booth me and Noah will be sitting with. The booth isn't a big important thing at Pax, but hey, it's a place to sit and it's a CSGO booth. As I'm walking, I notice someone staring at me. More specifically, my ass. I turn to this person and give a small wave with a smile. His friend standing behind him pushes him forward lightly. The man, or boy I guess, walks up to me.

"Hey!" I say as he walks up to me. He waves and smiles. Wow, for someone who was staring at my ass, he sure does have an amazing smile.

"I have to get back at my booth before the doors open, so we have approximately-" He checks his phone for the time. "ten minutes to talk." I laugh and put my hand out for him to shake. He takes it, and brings it up to his lips to place a soft kiss on my skin.

"So gentlemen like." He smiles and lets go of my hand.

"Only for the prettiest girls." I roll my eyes and put a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Smooth. I'm (Y/N) by the way. Thought that was important to know." He nods and hands me a piece of paper.

"I'm Jaren. That's my number and everything else to help contact me. You know the Pax East party tonight? Meet me by the entrance at nine. I want to get to know you more." I take the paper and slip it on my pants pocket.

"Thank you Jaren. And I'll meet you there. I'll make sure to wear my best outfit." He laughs and pulls me close to him, so his lips are next to my ear.

"Don't wear anything that shows too much skin. I can't have someone stealing you out from under me." He pulls back with a sly smile on his face. My cheeks are bright red, clearly flustered. "I have to get back to my booth. I'll see you tonight (Y/N)." He grabs my hand and placed another soft kiss to my skin. He walks away to his booth and I stand there, flabbergasted. I check my phone and see I only have three minutes to get to the booth I'm going to be at. I mentally scold myself and hurry away.


I sit on Noah's lap and dramatically sigh. We've been standing up for about five to six hours.

"Oh my god (Y/N) what do you want." I laugh and fill her in about what happened before I got to the booth, and telling her that's why I was a minute or two late.

"You met a cute ass guy and didn't tell me! I told you when I once ble-" I cover her mouth and shake my head.

"Noah don't say something that you are going to regret saying." Her eyes squint and I feel her tongue touch the palm of my hand. I pull back with a disgusted look and wipe it off, on her face. She laughs and shoves me off of her.

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