You Don't Keep Secrets From Best Friends Pt.2

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I sigh as I move around the asparagus on my plate.

"You haven't eaten anything (Y/N)..." Jaren says, concerned. I look up, started from my thoughts.

"Sorry," I take a small bite of my mashed potatoes. "I've been in my own world lately."

"Are you thinking about the thing you won't tell me?" I look back down at my plate. He said that with such poison in his voice.

"Jaren I-" Jaren pushes his seat out from the table and gets up.

"Listen. I know there are some things we like to keep to ourselves, but whatever has been bothering you, has really.." Jaren hesitates. He picks his plate up and pushes his chair back in. "We aren't as close as we used to be (Y/N). You avoid me now." I look back up at Jaren and see hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know how to tell you." I watch as Jaren throws his scraps away. "It's difficult Jaren." He rinses his plate off and puts it in the dishwasher. "You understand that right?" Jaren looks over at me and runs his hand through his hair.

"(Y/N). We promised that when we moved in together we told each other everything. Right?" I nod in response. "Then what happened to that promise?" I open my mouth to say something, but close it. He's right. When we decided to move in together, we made that promise.


I smile as Jaren shoots one of my ponytails at me.

"You must really suck at aiming." I say as it flys behind me. Jaren walks into the bathroom and stands next to me.

"Do you want to run home tomorrow morning and get some clothes?" I shrug as I grab the ponytail he shot at me from the ground.

"I don't mind. I can just wash the clothes I have here." I finish my bun and look at him.

"Why don't you just move in with me?" Jaren says. I laugh.

"You're kidding." My smile drops when I realize that he wasn't.

"You're already here all the time anyways. And plus, it would be awesome to live with me best friend." Jaren adds one of his famous smiles.

"Why not? What harm could it do?" Jaren pulls me into a hug, basically squeezing the hell out of me. I smile and hug him back.

"But." Jaren pulls away. "We have to tell each other everything. And I mean everything (Y/N)."

"Even about our sex life?" I ask. Jaren recoils in disgust.

"Okay maybe not that, but everything else." I laugh.

"Pinky promise?" I hold out my pinky. Jaren looks down at my hand and then looks back up at me.

"What? Are we 7 again?" I let out a sigh in frustration.

"Shut the fuck up. This is the real deal." Jaren shakes his head and laughs. He completes the promise.

"I can't believe we sealed it with a pinky promise"


"Fine!" I yell, startling both myself and Jaren. I look up at him from the table. "I'll tell you."

"Finally." Jaren sits back down at the table across from me.

"I.." I hesitate. What if he reacts negatively?

"Spit it out (Y/N). You know you can tell me anything." I sigh and look down at my plate.

"I love you Jaren." I quietly say.

"What?" I look back up at him.

"I fucking love you Jaren." Jaren looks at me with no expression.

" me?" I sigh and shake my head.

"I'm sorry. I really am Jaren."

"I love you too." My eyes go wide.

"You do?" I ask. Jaren nods, and lets out a tired sigh.

"Have we really been hiding the same thing from each other?" Jaren says, quietly laughing. I throw my hands up.

"Yes and I hate us!" I laugh and get out of my chair.

"We really are the most difficult people." Jaren says, walking up to me. He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "I love you (Y/N)." I smile.

"I love you too Jaren."


lol someone please give me ideas or something. writers block is monkas >:|
- bryleigh

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