I Saw You And Knew

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thank you @goofygoober1414 and @yep-anxiety

I make my way towards the exit, frowning. I only got a one day pass to Pax because I couldn't afford a four day one. It's now closing out for the day, and I'm pretty bummed about it. I only got to see a few of the things I wanted to, and it hurts. I rub my hand through my hair and look around at everyone else exiting. They all seem so happy. I stop and put away some of the things I'm holding to make sure I don't drop any of it. As I'm putting it away, I notice I had dropped a poster I bought. I frantically look around me, seeing if I dropped it a few seconds ago.

"Are you ok?" I look up to see a man looking at me, worried. "Do you need help? Did you lose something?" I nod.

"Yeah..but it's too late I have to leave.." I sigh and turn to leave, but he grabs my arm.

"No, hey, stay with me. Here." He hands me a four day pass to put around my neck. "I bought an extra for my friend but he got super sick. I kept it with me in case I lost my other one." I look down at it and see it says creators pass.

"Thank you. I-" He stops me.

"Don't worry about it. I'm Jaren." He smiles and brings my hand up to his lips. I smile and feel my cheeks heat up.

"I'm (Y/N)." He smiles.

"I'm absolutely blown away by you (Y/N). You are truly beautiful. I don't believe in love at first sight but I think that's what I'm feeling right now." I laugh.

"Oh stop it. You're being too sweet." Jaren laughs and goes to say something, but get interrupted by a guard walking up to us.

"Hey miss, you need to-" Jaren lightly pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head.

"She's with me." He holds my badge up and smiles.

"Sorry. I didn't recognize her. Is she you're new girlfriend Jaren?" He laughs and smiles. I laugh quietly, very confused.

"Shush. You cannot tell anyone." The guard laughs and waves goodbye as he walks away. I look up at Jaren, confused. "He has been the guard of the stuff I've been doing. Well, mostly everything my friends and I have been doing. So I've chatted with him for a little bit." I nod, still soaking in the information.

"So am I your girlfriend now?" I make quotation marks with my fingers when I say girlfriend. He laughs.

"Unless you don't want the title, yeah. It's the only thing I could think of currently and the boys have been joking about me getting one. And of course to get them off my back, I-"

"You told them you had one." He nods. "Well, I'll be your fake girlfriend if you take me out to dinner to get to know you." He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Well then we'll call it a date."


I smile as I cuddle into Jaren's chest. It's been two years since we met, and a year since we started dating. Right now, Jaren and I are laying in our hotel bed, talking.

"Can you believe it's going to be two years after we're done with Pax?" He says. I smile, remembering the events that happened.

"I remember being so spooked and everything when we met the boys because like, ten minutes before hand, we came up with a backstory on how we met." Jaren laughs and kisses the top of my head.

"And after that I took you out on a date, and then we went back to your hotel room and talked till three in the morning." I laugh and remember both of us waking up, not wanting to go to Pax because we were so tired.

"We were like zombies." He smiles and nods his head.

"Did I ever tell you how I felt when I saw you?" He shake my head. "I felt like nothing mattered. It felt like you were the only person in the room. I saw you and I knew I had to have you. I had to make sure you were mine." I sit up and look down at him. He cups my cheek and smiles. "I saw you and instantly knew that we were bound to be together. That's why I asked if you were okay." I smile. "You walked into my point of view and my heart beat sped up by ten probably. Not gonna lie." He places his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. I pull away and run my thumb lighting across his bottom lip.

"I love you Jaren."

"I love you more." I lean down and miss him again, but we get interrupted by a knock on our hotel room door.

"Hey fuckers we're going out so get your asses up!" Jaren and I both burst out laughing.

"We just have to put on shoes John!" Jaren and I both get up and slip on our shoes. Jaren opens the door to see John, Scotty, Chrissy, Tyler, Kelly and Anthony.

"Everyone else will meet us at the restaurant we're going to." Jaren closes our hotel room door and grabs my hand. "God you guys are so cute that it makes me want to throw up." Anthony says, then pretends to throw up. Jaren and I laugh.

"Fuck you Anthony." Anthony does his famous laugh and lightly shoved Jaren.

"We did the same thing when we met her. I mean, when she went to the bathroom you told us that you were convinced that she is your future wife." I look over at Jaren, surprised. When I do, I see his cheeks bright red.

"Did you..really say that?" He nods. Anthony catches up with the rest of the group, leaving us behind. "I-Jaren.."

"I know. It's cheesy but it truly do think that. I'm sor-"

"Jaren that is the cutest shit ever and I would so marry you." He smiles and gives me a quick kiss.

"Oh my god guy stop sucking face and catch up!" Tyler says while laughing. I flip him off and start walking, hand in hand with Jaren, to catch up to them.


hello all i've been doing today is watching smit all day because my body hates me currently :') also if you have ideas always comment ok! and if you see mistakes yell at me because i'm trash
- bryleigh

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