The Moment I Fell In Love With You

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I frown as we pull up to the airport. Jaren spent the last two weeks with me, but now it was time for him to go home.

"Hey, turn that frown upside down baby." Jaren says, grabbing my free hand. He softly rubs the back of his with his thumb. I sigh as I grab a parking ticket.

"I'm sorry." I let go of his hand to pull into a parking spot. I see him frowning from the corner of my eye while I put the parking ticket on my dashboard.

"Hey, don't be, ok?" Jaren grabs my hand again and brings it up to his lips. I look at him and frown.

"I've gotten to waking up and seeing your face for two week's hard to go back to seeing you on a screen." He sighs. Jaren checks the time on his phone and shakes his head.

"I need to get going." I look at his phone screen and see the picture that my friend took of us. We're at her house, in front of her pool in our swimsuits. I'm on his back, legs wrapped around him and arms around his neck. My lips are on his cheek and he has a big smile on his face. "Before I go, here." Jaren reaches into one of his pockets of his suitcase and pulls an envelope out. "I wrote this for you last night because I'm to scared to say it to your face."

"What? Are you-" Jaren shakes his head, knowing what I was going to say.

"It's okay (Y/N). I promise. All good stuff in there." I smile and look down at the envelope. I take it, and set it on my center counsel. "Now come here." Jaren puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss. It's not a needy kiss. It's more of a kiss that tells me he knows he won't be able to kiss me for a while. He pulls away too soon.

"I love you." I blurt out. Jaren smiles and opens the car door.

"I love you too (Y/N)." Jaren pulls his suitcase out of the backseat, and then looks into the car from the passenger door. "Call you when I land?" I smile and nod.

"Okay." He closes the door and starts walking to the entrance. I turn away and look up at my car ceiling, blinking the tears away. It always tears me apart when he has to go back home. I bite my lip and look at the envelope. I grab it and stare at it, debating on opening it. Right before I decide, I hear my phone ding. I look at my screen to see a text from Jaren.

Don't you open that letter till you
get home. I already know you're
staring at it, wanting to open

I smile and shake my head. Of course he does. I set the envelope back down on my center counsel and start the car. I take another glance at it before pulling out onto the road, excited and nervous to see what's in it.


I set my dirty bowl in my dishwasher, close it, and turn around, instantly looking at the sealed envelope. I reach for it, but bring my hand back. I want to open it, but at the same time, I want to keep it sealed. There's just something about it that makes me want to keep it closed. I pick up my phone to text him, but remember that he's still in the air.

Fuck it. I'm going to open it.

I shake my head and grab the envelope. I quickly make my way to my living room, ripping the envelope open before I even sit down. I sit down on the couch and toss the envelope on my coffee table. I smooth the paper out and start reading.

Dear (Y/N),

Fuck that sounded bad but I'm going with it. This is my third time writing this, and it's currently three in the morning. I had to write this after I woke up with you in my arms and your face in my chest. I'm going to say this now. This is all from the heart. (Y/N), I love you. I truly love you with all my heart. The little things you did made me fall for you harder then I expected. You are the most lovable, geeky, beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. God, when you belt songs out in the car, I can't help but look at you and smile. Remember when we were all at Tyler's and they sent the two of us to go get the food?

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