The Rule Breaking Titan

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Chapter Three: The Rule Breaking Titan


I looked down from the pillar that I was ontop of, my sword in a crisscross pattern. There were about six five meter classes down at the supply area, if we managed to get rid of them all then we would be able to get ahold of the gas... thing was no one had any more available gas to use to slay the damn titans... but thanks to Armin's plan... we might be able to make it work.

The plan was to lower a group of us armed with forgotten rifles that th military brigade had left, the titans would be attracted to them, there is some of us up on the pillars, ready to swoop down and slay the titans...

We just have to wait for the signal, but it was getting hard... the titans were closing in on the group we had lowered down... but right before a titan could reach up and grab someone, someone yelled out, "Fire!"

Bullets fire from the rifles and most of them hits the titan's eyes, momentarily blinding them all. I jump down from my pillar and easily slay the titan below me.

Two screams cut off my little smug moment, Sasha and Connie did not cut deep enough. Sasha was backing away from the titan, fear in her eyes as it starts to turn her way, she apologizes quickly.

I roll my eyes under my hood and run her way, just as the titan bends down to pick Potato Girl up, I easily swipe my swords across the nape of the titan's neck.

Sasha screams, thankful and gives me a hug, one that I was trying to get out of... I wasn't used to people touching this way, ever since my mother.

"I am so happy that I could kiss you, Eli!" Sasha says happily, still hugging me, "Thank you!"

I growl irritated,  "Let go of me, Sasha... preferably before I hurt you..." Potato Girl immediately lets go and jumps back from me, giving me a scared look.

"Haha, no need of that, Eli!" Sasha says, waving her hands in front of her. I sigh and roll my eyes, going to the gas tanks to refill my 3DMG.

"Huh? Where are you going, Eli?" Sasha asks, running after me, when she catches up I give her a glare, one that she couldn't see because my hood was covering my eyes.

"Refilling my tank," was all I said while I started walking faster, hoping to lose her...


"You know, you two are pretty good leaders," I glance at the freckled boy next to me, Marco. I ignored him and kelt refilling my gas as Jean talks to him.

"Ah, see that is were you are wrong, Jean," Marco says, looking at Horseface and then switching his gaze to me, "both of you guys are not strong, you know how it feels like being weak," I give the freckled boy a glare, confused as to where he was bring the conversation, "but that what makes you both great leaders-" But before Marco could finish his sentence, I snort.

"Me, a good leader," I say, holding back a dark chuckle, but it still excapes me, "I had ran away from my duties from Sina to join the Military, explain to me how that makes me a good leader."

Marco doesn't respond for awhile, while Horseface had a look of suprise on his face, "Joining the Military is a noble act, to protect humanity... to protect it is extremely brave," Marco finally says, "without you two leading all of us, I am pretty sure none of us would've had the gut or the courage to get to thr HQ..."

"Being brave or having guts doesn't mean anything to my father... once he finds out where I am, he will be furious that I had abandoned my duties to become a soldier," I say, standing up and walking away from the two boys, my gas tanks filled.


I lean against one of the broken windows of the HQ watching the titans outside, one of the titans was an abnormal, instead of attacking humans it was attacking it's own kind...

It must be against some unspoken rulebook of the titans to attack it's own kind, heh I like this little rule breaking titan...

But it seems as if all good things must come to an end... all of the other titans turn on the rule breaker and starts to eat him... gross, cannibalism... that should be another broken rule too..

I use my 3DMG and jump onto the roof of the HQ for a better veiw of the show.

"Shouldn't we save it...?" Armin asks, but Horseface shakes his head, no.

"What would the use be pitting titans against titans.," Jean says.

"Besides we don't know if we could trust it, after all it is a titan..." I say, drawing everyone's attention to me.

"Well, you don't know, maybe it could turn tides against this fruitless war against the titans," Armin says...

I shrug, nonchalant, "Meh, not my problem... I don't really care..."

Mikasa gasps in suprise, and I switch my attention to what she was staring at with such intensity that it actually is frightening, there laid on the ground was the rule breaking titan, but that was not what had caught mine and everyone else's attention, smoke was billowing from the titan and from the nape of the neck comes out a figure...

It was Eren, damn... I thought he had died...


Jean and I lean against the walls of the cafeteria, it seems like Erens little group was missing... I wonder where they went off to...

Mikasa and Armin walk through the doors, looking a little shocked... Oh wait, never mind, I found them, though what happened to Eren...?

Armin and Mikasa quietly sat down and started to eat their food, about half way done I was finally eaten up by curousity...

Slaming my palm against the table, I watch with some sort of twisted amusement as Armin flinches in fright.

"Okay, spill the beans you two... do you know how Eren came out of the titan...?" I ask.

Armin doesn't answer but instead turns his attention to his food, not looking up at me. Mikasa glares up at my shadowed face, am evil glint in her eyes... damn she was scary.

"Well...?" I ask, "I may not seem like it, but I am actually pretty worried about that little rule breaking titan..."

"Rule breaking titan...?" Armin asks curiously, finally looking up at me, I give him a sly smirk.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure that somewhere in the titan's rulebook  there is a rule anout attacking each other... and another abouting eating each other..."

Everyone watching gives me a weird look and I shrug nonchalant.


Hmm, when I actually saw the episode of Eren dieing I was so shocked... I mean come on! In what story does the main character die!?...

Meh, anyway... vote and comment, ya..?

And for the Ouran High School fans, I am currently writing another fanfiction about it... Don't blame me though, it is my cousin's fault, she is the one who is getting me into all of these anime....

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