Chapter 31

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A/N: Meet Derek ^^

After dinner, Molly went back to her room to put on something warmer. The wind was picking up and the mountain air was nipping at her skin. She forgot how cold it could get here at night.

Her phone kept going off like crazy and every time she looked, she saw Dominick's name across the screen. She denied every call and ignored his barage of text messages that all started with... where are you? Answer your phone. Call me.

She was still pissed at him and still hurt by the fact that he was opening up to every one but her. No, she would make him sweat this one out while she figured out what her next move was. She knew that if she went back to Florida in the morning like she was supposed to she would be right next door to the guy she needed space from and she would never be able to think.

Setting her phone down to charge. She headed out the back door and towards the flames of the bon-fire and people talking and laughing.

They were all super cool people and Molly liked each one of them, even if she didn't remember their names. One of them had a guitar and sang and played while the rest of them sat and talked, Molly of course was sat next to Derek.

"So, I ran into your mom several weeks back. She told me you moved to Florida." He paused, "do you like it down there?"

Molly shrugged and nodded at the same time. "I love my new job. My best friend, Pierre works with me and..." she bit her bottom lip, thinking about whether she should bring up Dominick or not, "and I'm dating my boss..." she decided to go that route...since technically she was still dating Noah. She had forgotten all about that part of her messy life and it just added yet another headache on her plate.

Derek looked surprised, "dating the boss, huh?" He laughed, "never pegged you for that kind of girl."

Molly laughed, "I'm going to be breaking up with him when I go home, though."

He seemed to perk up at that statement, "oh? And why is that?" He asked softly, intently staring at her.

She shrugged, "I'm not really into the guy like that. He's really nice, don't get me wrong, but we don't exactly click."

Derek laughed, "well, at least you know what you want."

But Molly didn't. That's why she was here. She didn't know what she wanted and she didn't know what to do. Her heart was shouting Dominick, but her mind was yelling at her to run in the opposite direction.

Then Derek asked her something that threw her off balance, "do you ever wonder what would have happened between the two of us if I hadn't... ya know...?"

Molly swallowed, her mouth going dry, "I used to..."

He silently flinched at her answer, "yeah, me too." Is all he replied.

Molly pointed at the bottle next to him, "mind pouring me another one?" She didn't want to talk about herself anymore. Her relationship status, her past, and her future were the last things she wanted to discuss right now. Especially with Derek of all people.

The night continued on like this. A lot of talking and questions that she wasn't comfortable answering, and every glass of wine she drank went down smoother and smoother. And the next thing she knows, she's drunk.

"Why did you do it?" She blurted out, looking at Derek intently. She really wanted to know why he cheated on her. Why he would cheat on her with her own sister.

Derek took a deep breath, "honest truth?" Molly nodded, waiting for his reply, "I kick myself every day for that mistake," he started, "but I guess I did it because I was so mad at you."

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