Chapter 10

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Molly was still in bed when the sun went down and she didn't give two shits. Her heart was broken. Her first broken heart ever! So, she felt she earned a day in bed with a box of Kleenex. Pierre had texted her a few times but she only replied with one word responses and kept it at that. And part of her was distraught that Dominick hadn't tried to call or text, but why would he? Pierre made it pretty clear to never call her again.

She sighed, staring at his contact info on her screen. She should just call him and ask him what his problem is! Why would he do this? But she locked her phone and shoved it under her pillow. She was not going to be that girl again. She was done fighting for the guy. If he wanted her, he'd have to come to her first.

Her stomach rumbled as she hadn't eaten a thing all day and knew she better or she would end up sick.

She threw the blankets back and sat up, not feeling the motivation to move. Maybe there is a delivery place that will deliver you food and bring it right up to you in your bedroom. Hell, maybe she should invent it! Become rich and move the hell away from the neighbor!

She giggled at herself as she stood up from the bed, looking at her reflection in the mirror, "ugh! What is that?" She walked over and ran her fingers under her eyes to smear away some of the black eyeliner, then she ran her hands through her hair and pinched her cheeks. She looked ten times better.

When she made it down to her kitchen she heard some music coming from next door and she froze, trying to get a better listen. She slowly walked over the window and peaked out, careful not to get caught.

The music was coming from Dominick's and she saw some lights and several heads walking around over the fence. He was having a party?! She was lying in bed crying her eyes out, and he's having a party?

She groaned, shutting the blinds and running back upstairs to grab her phone to call Pierre.

He picked up after the first ring, "honey, how are you?"

She growled into the phone, "he's having a party next door! I've been suffering all day and he throws a fucking party!"

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Molly's face turned up into a vindictive smile, "got any plans tonight? I think it's time he got a dose of his own medicine."

Pierre laughed, "I'm on my way. Shall I bring some friends?"

Molly froze, "not from work..."

"No! God, no! I'm bringing my dirty friends who will give Dominick a run for his money," he laughed ridiculously into the phone and now Molly was thinking she made a horrible mistake.

"When should I expect you?"

"I'm five minutes away, my friends can be there in twenty."

She took a deep breath and replied, "you wouldn't happen to have anything sexy for me to wear, would you?" She crossed her fingers.

He laughed into the phone, "darling, I always have something sexy. I'll bring in my ammunition when I get there. Chow!"

He hung up and Molly ran upstairs. She didn't want to but she peaked out her bedroom window that faced his house to get a better look at the party going on down below.

His entire back yard was filled with beautiful people and it irked her even more. They were all in their swimming attire and drinking, dancing, and laughing. She scanned the crowd for Dominick's face and that's when she found it.

He was sitting at his bar with an annoyed scowl on his face and a beer in his hand. When Lauren walked up to him, topless, he gave her a smile and kissed her before handing her his beer. She sauntered off and was giggling.

Desires Beyond The Lens (18+)Where stories live. Discover now