Chapter 35

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Dominick sped back to his hotel room to pack himself a bag. But when he got there he wasn't thrilled to find Monique still in his room.

"How'd it go?" She asked, walking over to him and placing her hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged her off, "it went fine. I have to leave for a day or two. Melissa knows what needs to be done so listen to her when she tells you something, got it?" Dominick was in no mood for anything. He needed to get to the airport as quickly as possibly and then get to Molly.

"What?! You can't leave! You just started the new project up here. You'd be an idiot to leave now! What's so important that you have to leave?" Monique was questioning him and Dominick hated that.

He turned and glared at her, "not that it's any of your business, but I need to go see Molly."

At the sound of Molly's name, Monique crossed her arms over her chest and huffed out her unhappiness. "When will you forget about that bitch and share your bed with a real woman?" Monique purred out, walking over to Dominick and shoving her hand down his pants.

"Monique! What the fuck are you doing?!" He grabbed her arm and forced her to step back, "you need to back the fuck off. We've been down this road before. You and I," he pointed between the two of them, "will never fucking happen."

Monique scoffed, "you're a fucking idiot then. I can take you places that cunt never will."

Dominick's blood boiled when Monique called Molly that. He turned on her and marched up to her as she back stepped in fear, her back up against the wall.

Dominick grabbed her chin and forced Monique to look up at him, "what did you just call her?" He asked through gritted teeth, his anger radiating off of him.

"You heard me..." Monique choked out.

Dominick slammed his hand against the wall next to her head, making her flinch. Then he released her and walked over to his suitcase to finish what he started. His anger was built up for Josh, not for Monique. He had to remember that.

"You're making a huge mistake, Nick," she came at him again and placed her hand on his arm, "it's obvious that you two shouldn't be together. Please don't go." She begged.

But Dominick only laughed, "make sure those documents are drawn up for the new project. I'll be back in a few days." Then he grabbed his bag and left his hotel room, slamming the door behind him.


Dominick called his pilot on the way to the air field and told him to have the jet ready for immediate take off. And he was pleased to find the jet was ready for him when he arrived.

"Where to, Mr. Woods?" The pilot asked, nodding his head at him.

"Miami." Dominick replied as he ascended the jet steps and took his seat and buckled up.

The jet rumbled to life and Dominick was anxious to get to Miami. His first stop will be to take Josh out. He knows the house will be filled with people, but he didn't care. With the rage inside of him right now. He would take everyone of them out.

Nobody touched his girl without paying the price.

He threw Pierre a text letting him know that he was heading out now and would be there in a few hours. Then he put his phone on airplane mode and impatiently tapped his leg the rest of the flight.

Dominick didn't realize he fell asleep until the pilot lightly shook his shoulder.

"Sir, we've landed, there's a car awaiting you."

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