🌹 chapter 4 🌹

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Preston had noticed that Max had been acting different lately, more touchy-feely, he was okay with it, but it was unusual for his usually cold self.

Max had made his way to where Preston was sitting with his friends, he rubbed a small smudge of blood from his mouth and forced a quick smile at Preston.

"Hi, max" Preston turned to the blue boy cheerfully,

"Yo" max replied bluntly, plopping himself down next to the taller boy.

They eat silently, and awkwardly.

Max suddenly slammed his hands on the table, leaving half his food, and sprinting back to the bathroom.

He began gagging viciously as blood poured from his mouth and soft rose petals fell as well, mixing with the blood to made a coffin of blood.

Max wiped his mouth with his sleeve as his eyes watered with disgust.

With each petal that flys out of my mouth, my love for you grows more.

🌹 blood covered roses 🌹 hanahaki! MaxpresWhere stories live. Discover now