Chapter 1

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          she sat trapped in the corner of the room, flames erupted around her small frame. she cried as her arms clutched around  the white egg close to her chest. she could hear the soldiers outside yelling over the crackling of the fire. "COME OUT TARGARYEN, MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF" the egg she had slowly popped open from the top surprising the young girl. Out of the egg a small white dragon slithered out and onto her shoulder, the tips of its scales and horns had a red coat. Its eyes were glistening red along with the scales tint. the small lizard sat upon her shoulder, hiding itself in the girls medium length platinum blond hair. The girl stood slowly walking out of a whole in the side of the burning house. Her clothes were reduced to a small torn skirt along with a very burnt and torn dress top, the sleeves were burnt of along with most of the ribs and chest area. the skirt of the dress was only able to cover just the end of her butt. the rest of her body had soot covering it. she realized that the men would be able to see her hair so she grabbed a chunk of burnt charcoal and coated her hair in it. the dragon was now visible under her hair but he stayed there. once her hair was fully cover she ran, through the trees and over the  rocks. the stones and sticks stabbed at her bare feet but she continued to run. 


It felt like she had been running for hours, the men close behind her. The young girls legs finally gave out on pathway. she sat panting not realizing the dead stag resting next to her, rotting. the sounds of hoarse hooves could be heard from afar approaching fast, same with the yelling of the men trying to kill her. she sat there terrified to the point she didn't notice the sound of horses had stopped and been replaced with quick steps of a man. Her head was slowly lifted but her eyes sealed shut. "hey its ok, can you open you're eyes or tell me you're name" "m-my name is y/n...y/n Brooker..." y/n made up the name as fast as she could. she slowly opened her eyes to be met with a man, his curly locks were chocolate brown and shot . " Robb. Robb Stark, are you ok? why are you out hear alone dressed like that?" y/n stayed silent. they wouldn't believe her. soon a man with medium brown locks came and stood beside Robb. he crouched down so he was her level "I'm Eddard Stark, you're going to come with us ok? we are going to get you cleaned up. Jon help her" Eddard turned to deal with the stag whilst a man with medium black curls came over and set his hands under the girls arms, he lifted her and brought the frail girl to a large black horse, setting her atop it. she tried to ignore the dragons claws digging into her legs and thankfully something pulled everyones attention to a small path in the woods. it was the men that were previously chasing her. "GRAB THE Gir---  lord Stark.. what a surprise, ill be taking that" the man said motioning to y/n. her hands immediately clasped tightly onto the horse, praying the men would leave. " I'm sorry but you cant take her"

the girl had closed her eyes and pushed herself into the main of the horse. hoping to leave. she could hear the men arguing before she heard the sound of horse hooves clomping away. the men tried to shake her awake but she shook them off and continued to lay on the horse. it took several minutes but soon enough one of the men hopped on the horse with her and they road off as she slowly fell asleep.

( edited ) 

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