Hiding | 1

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The only person in this flat that knew my secret was Blair, and Ginger. I had to tell at least them when I started the band so Blair wouldn't get angry. Even though I wasn't the only Omega in the band.

I sat up in bed with my headphones in working on a vlog when Mikey came into the room. I had been the only one home before this.

"What's up mate?" He asks when I pull out my headphone to acknowledge him.

"Just editing a vlog. Where's the rest of the boys?" I ask curious.

"In the hallway, wrestling over some ice cream Rye bought." Mikey answers rolling his eyes. My hair stood on end when Mikey said his name. Rye. The only Alpha who was able to make my body react the way an Omega's should. This scared me at times of course, but I just pushed it off. You see, Brooklyn, and Rye were Alpha's. Jack was an open Omega. Mikey and Harvey were Beta's. Lucky them.

"Oh great, of course they are." I say laughing lightly putting my headphone back in. Ignoring when the rest of the boys came in, still all riled up. I could smell Rye from my bunk, it was almost overwhelming. But of course being Rye he had to make it worse, jumping onto my bunk and latching onto me like a koala.

"Hello Andy. You smell good today." Rye mumbles against my legs. I freeze, even though I know he didn't mean that I smelt like an Omega, it still made me nervous. Rye noticed that I tensed, looking up at me with furrowed brows. But before he had the chance to ask what was wrong I ran my fingers through his hair and he relaxed into me.

"Awe, Randy." Brooklyn teases from the couch. Both me and Rye give him the middle finger.

"Alpha's can't mate with Alpha's dude." Rye states from where he's perched against me. I relax even more. Good, he still can't sense it. Brooklyn snorts.

"I know that mate. All in good fun." He states shaking his head. "Jack, baby come here." That's one thing that gets to me still. Brooklyn and Jack have been together since Jack came on trial. Brooklyn went into his first rut the day after and the rest is history. They've been bonded ever since. Sometimes I wish I could be that for someone like Jack is. I've just suppressed it for so long I don't think I could do it. Maybe I'd come out to the boys one day. But for now, I'd just let them think I was an Alpha.


Later on at the gym I got into the shower. My mind flashing over the things that Rye had done during the day. How his abs had tightened when I had pinned him down and tickled him. How he bit his lip to suppress the laughter because he didn't like his laugh. My cock started to swell.

'Shit' I thought to myself. 'Not in public!' But it was too late, I could already feel the slick dripping lightly down my legs. I turn the heat up in the shower knowing that it will cover the smell better before quickly working over my cock with my hand. Refusing to stick anything in my ass. Not since my first and only heat when I was really young. Quickly I came, rinsing everything down the drain quickly. I get out drying off, my face red hot in embarrassment with myself.

"Mate." Rye sniffs the air. "Did you fuck an Omega?" He asks. My eyes go wide and I whip my head towards the floor so he can't see my facial expression.

"Nah." I answer.

"Smells like Omega to me man. Must not be on you." He says shrugging. We finish getting dressed and Rye is standing by the door waiting for me.

"I'll be out in a minute mate." I say, wanting to take my suppressants and also wanting to use my Alpha spray that covers the after effects of the Omega smell.

"Alright mate. Meet you in the car." He says. Quickly I get everything done, running out to meet Rye. When I catch up, he sniffs at my neck. I give him a 'what the hell' look.

"I swear that was you." He huffs. "Never mind." We climb into the car and head towards the flat where the other boys are.

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