3. Everything to Nothing (freestyle)

25 1 3

next time you ask me what's wrong and I say 'Nothing' But you don't believe me so you keep asking me, jus stop. i'm not lying. try to put yourself in my place and understand:
if you think very hard about Everything in a certain way, you don't even have to think anymore and Everything becomes Nothing.
when you start thinking this and realizing this more and more, you tend to forget what Everything felt like and meant to you.
you get used to Nothing and don't want to go back to Everything. because Everything is what caused all the pain and led you to start thinking very hard about Everything.
Everything is what caused you to react with Nothing.
what you feel is Nothing.
what you think is Nothing.
what you see is Nothing.
what you know is Nothing because Everything is gone. and Nothing is left. Nothing doesn't matter. but your left... so basically, yeah, Nothing is left. and if there is only Nothing, how can Something be wrong??? i just spent a little too much time thinking about Everything. that's 'all'.

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