Terror at New England Zoo

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"Ready for a nice date at the famous New England Zoo, Darrell?" I asked, spreading my arms widely as I stood in front of the entrance to the zoo.

"You betcha! Tommy, we got to visit the monkey exhibit. Maybe even check out some of the tigers in the predator area," Darrell said excitedly.

Together, hand in hand, we entered into the zoo. We meandered over to the sea world area first. Dolphins are just so cute. Darrell thinks so too. Of course, we saved them for last because they're the best.

"Wow! Those orca whales were so huge! They were totally awesome!" Darrell exclaimed. His dreamy, brown eyes lit up like fireworks.

"They were really huge-" I suddenly stopped myself from completing what I had to say. "Uuuhh..." I started to breathe heavily. Nothing in my body was working properly.

Darrell stared deeply into my eyes, trying to read my emotions. "Is something wrong?"

"AAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed loudly.

The scream made Darrell jump back a whole foot. He turned around to see what I was screaming at, and immediately turned back around to get us away from the giant, purple tiger that was digging it's bare teeth into a lady's chest. We ran into the sea world area, and did not dare to talk about the giant, purple tiger.

Loads of people were running to the exit. Panicking, trampling, screaming, crying... Pure terror.

A muscular, green lion leaped into the crowd from out of nowhere, and instantly killed three people. The terrifying beast slashed away at a tall guy's leg. Seconds later, the same guy that got his leg slashed started to cry blood from his eyes, and started to puke black blood all over the ground.

Some of the puke hit a few people that were running away from a grey gorilla that had half a lady's leg in it's mouth. A rush of anxiety washed over my whole body as I knew that those three people were now infected too. I did not want to be next. I didn't want to die that way.

"Come on! This way!" Darrell screamed, pulling my hand as he pointed over to the steel fence that guarded the park from intruders. "Get ready to jump fast!"

Darrell ran as fast as he could to the fence. I was surprised to see how fast he jumped over the fence. I had a bit of trouble getting over the fence, but luckily I made it over without being caught by a random mutant animal.

Together, we ran hand in hand to my jeep. I already had my keys in hand, and the doors were already unlocked. We practically teleported into the vehicle. I started the ignition, pressed the gas pedal, and immediately swerved the wheel out of the parking space. Luckily for us, no other vehicles were in our way to the exit.

"FUUUCK!" Darrell shouted in frustration.

A bearded crocodile that stood over twenty feet tall had stopped our jeep from moving another inch with his big, beefy arms. He had a mean snarl on his face. I couldn't even drive in reverse. This was it, death. 

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