The People that Bother

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I had gone through a lot in my early childhood. My parents had always been hard on me, training me to become the best at anything that I'm interested in. I ended becoming a highly competitive person. Though, I was not a mean person, nor was I too arrogant. To be frank, I loved to learn and managed my cockiness in order to do this, so that way I could be a better person.

Times were rough back then. If only the bills were the problem. It's too bad that they just assisted to make the real problems worse. Take for instance when my uncle got cancer, the hospital bills were insane. How pathetic. I could do nothing to help him.

I remember in middle school, there was a girl that treated me so nicely for no reason. At least, I didn't understand the reason back then. She was beautiful in the ways that I liked, or maybe her personality changed my opinions on what I found to be beautiful. I don't know. It's not like I did not enjoy being around her, she was awesome. In fact, it's when she was no longer in my life when I realized that I loved her too.

In the days I spent in high school, I remember focusing more on work than friends. Good people were all around me yet, I didn't care. I had to get good grades, a job, and a license to drive. I couldn't waste time. I had to prove the youth didn't waste their time. Too bad these successes meant nothing to the other sides of me. The sides that I rejected to ignore the emotions that wanted to hold me back. But they didn't.

Before I started college, I got a mental breakdown. My heart was aching for something more than the goals I had laid out. It was a struggle. A struggle to see whose desires would win out. When I looked around my room, and saw that no one was around, I realized I was wrong.

It was around that time when they came to me, proposing a choice to go back in time. I chose not to believe in their stupidity. I had already made my choices, I can't take them back. I just had to do things right with the time that I had left. Yet, they continued to pester me, rejecting my rejections.

After college started, they disappeared. I was able to make new friends. I was able to find love. I was able to have adventures with those that I cared about. A new era in my life had finally begun.

Catherine Beauregard came to my room late one night. She brought me to the lab. I was knocked out the entire time so, I didn't get the opportunity to see how they managed to bring me back the days of middle school. Ian Beauregard did the impossible. Now do I do the same? I am scared to make that choice.

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