Why me?

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What was I thinking of talking about my childhood, I really messed it up. "So why me?" I asked. "You seem smart which means you won't do anything stupid like call for help" Snart answered. "I still don't get why we're taking a chick on a heist" Mick said. "She's unheard of and a hacker" Snart explained.

I tried not to look surprised when he said this, so in the calmest voice I could manage I asked: "Who did YOU know I was a hacker?" 

"All the equipment in your apartment, what's your web name?". 

"Not telling".

"Are we gonna talk about robbing the bank or what?" Mick interrupted "What!!! I thought you were joking!" I yelled. "Nope" Snart said simply.

We got to the bank and went to the back entrance, of course. There was a four-digit lock (this is really bad security). Snart stared at me for a while until I said "What?". "Open it" he said. "I need a phone to do that" I replied "Ha! So you can call your friends and ask for help, Well your not getting one, remind me again why we don't simply melt the lock?" Mick yelled. "I only care about me myself and I," I said.

Snart simply handed me a tablet and a cable. I gave him an annoyed looked as I took them he noticed and he said "Now, now one mustn't worry their pretty little face" I quickly turned around trying to hide the fact that I was blushing, I don't know why I am blushing.

A few seconds later it opened and Snart walked in Mick however put his gun against my back and led me to the main entrance he gave me a little paper to show the lady it read "This is a robbery" (how creative I know). The lady read the note and her eyes widened with fear as Mick pointed his gun at her. She pressed the silent alarm and Snart came out and gave Mick a little nod. Mick left and Snart (gently but with rough movements) grabbed me and whispered into my ear "Play along"

I nodded slightly before letting out a "surprised" yell. Snart then put my hands behind my back using one hand to keep them in place and with the other, he pressed his gun to my forehead (it was very cold even for a normal gun) "Let me go!!!" I yelled trying my best not to blush because he was so close to me while trying to sound scared when I was trying not to giggle.

"Shut up!!" He yelled more to the crowd than to me. When he said this I was trying so hard not to laugh I was shaking but everyone thought it was of fear just then the streak ran in and took me to some weird place.

A/n the song is not related I just like it

EDIT: wow i was weird

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