poem 19

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The dark skies
That stupid disguise
No matter where I may go
Your smile still remained a memory
A memory which was long forgotten
Which never appeared again like it was just a dream never to be a reality
Desire? Never describes us,but love did
And we never appeared to each others' gazes
But we're stuck on time,we're stuck on where we left
Time kept ticking
While you just stopped kidding
And suddenly..
You stopped breathing.

Leaving,is that all our bodies can verbally do?
Once you've been contented with every little joy you have,you still left someone who'll have the opposite of Joy
You were not nothing,you were my everything
I'm stuck here,being depressed
Trying to express
Trying to impress
I'm trying
But you still left
You gave up
And I teared up.

Hope,a word that never went across to my dictionary
What can I say? I never let myself be an imaginary
Upon our destination,I was the only one who never made it there
Maybe because you went ahead with a smile on your lips
And all I could do was watch you walk away,sniffing like a dog who lost its owner
Why? I asked myself
But time answered itself
Accept and let go my heart said
But my mind was filled up with regrets
Regrets that I couldn't be able to be there while you're suffering
While I'm just stuttering words that can't escape my stupid mouth
You fucking died
And I just fucking cried

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