[ Rules ]

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• Be detailed when you roleplay. I don't want to see any one liners. 4 lines at a minimum; and don't make them super short like (  'Janet smiled up at him. She then looked at the ground. "Hi.." she said quietly. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She was nervous.' ) None of that please.

•Roleplay in 3rd person. If you don't know what that is, look it up. It gets confusing ( or at least for me it does ) when people use 1st or 2nd person, so please no "I" 's or "you" 's

•Please no godmod or having overpowered OCs. The most overpowered character in this book is probably the Elders. No Mary Sues either. Not everyone is perfect nor does everyone have a tragic backstory

•Please respect me and your fellow role players

•If all the spots are taken for the Elders position, please do not get all upset about it and come complaining to me

•This can be a group roleplay or an individual roleplay, I'll make a main chain if anyone wants to join in that and you can also make individual chains.

Might add more to this later

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