[ Dragons' Special Skills ]

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The Parvulus
These creatures are vegetarians. They don't eat meat, only fruits, sometimes veggies, and flower nectar. Flowers will sometimes sprout from their bodies whenever they feel a strong emotion. If one focuses enough, they can willingly grow flowers on their body.

Parvulus' aren't known to fight, so their claws are short and somewhat dull. They are very small, varying from the size of a squirrel to the size of a cat, their wingspan varies as well.

The Kappa
This breed of dragons live in the ocean, and mainly eat fish as their main diet. Although they don't have any wings, they can swim incredibly fast in the water. They are also able to manipulate sailors with their angelic roars to crash into rocks, much like sirens.

Their claws are very sharp to help them catch their prey, and of course fight, as well as their teeth. They are usually very large, though some can be smaller than others. The Kappa's scale color helps them blend in with the water, like camouflage.

The Aisling
Aisling are dream dragons that have the ability to sense when a young child is having a bad dream, or nightmare. When they do sense this, they materialize or teleport into that child's room and cuddle with them to comfort them of their nightmare.

These creatures do have sharp claws, but only so they can protect the child their protecting, whether it's from other dangerous dragons or then nightmares. They are able to retract their claws so as not to hurt the child. They can come in all sizes, from the size of a dog or smaller to the size of a lion or bigger.

The Elder
These mighty beasts are the most powerful of the dragons. They are incredibly strong, stronger than any other dragon due to their huge size. They can control any kind of element, breath fire, ice, control the wind, create new plants, and much more.

They feed off of starlight, which is why they stay up in space, but they do come down to earth to visit all the dragons and humans occasionally. They have sharp claws and are enormous in size and wingspan.
This particular breed of dragon will have spots that are up for the taking.
All spots are taken.

The Ignis
The Ignis is a fire dragon, and of course this breed has the ability to survive in extreme temperatures. Their scales are rock solid and are able to protect themselves from heavy blows and even lava. So it's incredibly hard to penetrate their scales to reach their skin, though the scales are weaker under their bellies and necks. They have the ability to breath fire, which can scorch anything in a matter of seconds.

They normally live inside volcanoes where it is extremely hot. They are known for their violent nature and normally have fights to prove who's strongest or to protect their gold. These dragons are extremely possessive of their gold, and you'd wish you were dead if you ever attempted to steal even one coin of gold from them. If one allows you to touch their gold, it means they have their complete trust in you, and to most that's a big honor.

The Glacialis
This breed is known as the ice dragons. They can survive in extremely cold temperatures. They are able to breath ice and snow and freeze anything in a matter of seconds if they wanted to. Their scales is about as hard as ice, and are able to handle hard blows as well. They however can not survive in hot temperatures, they would surely die.

Their claws are as sharp as huge icicles, and are known to fight to protect what they love. These creatures are very aloof, hardly known to grow attached to anyone, but when they do, they are extremely protective.

The Akumu
This breed of dragon are known as the nightmare dragons. They resemble the Aisling since the two breeds both have to deal with dreams. The Akumu are basically like the opposite of the Aisling, though. Instead of comforting kids from nightmares, they create nightmares. They create illusions of any persons or dragons worst fears and make it seem like a reality. Some Akumu use this for good and self defense against the Dragon Poachers, but most use this for evil against innocent humans or other dragons.

This breed also live in the clouds much like the Aisling, except they stay away from their opposite breed.

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