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Hey guys so before you start reading I just want to say thanks for reading this!

Oh and I also want you guys to comment and tell me what I should do for the next chapter.
Okay bye...

Now you may read the next chapter. Lol.
Love you all


The next morning I woke up to No Luke. I looked around the room and got a bit excited because he wasn't here. Did he just leave me alone? I got out my phone to check on google map to see where I was. When my phone was loading I noticed a note on the bed side table.

I'll be back in a few minutes have to take care of some business. I want you to be ready when I come back. Don't try anything because I know where you are and where you will be.

I got up and went into the bathroom and showered.

I got out and changed into some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a gray hoodie on top of it because that was basically everything that was in the handbag.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked to the room.
Just as I was walking out Luke was walking through the door.
"Ready?" He asked.

I didn't answer him.
I noticed that his shirt had red stains on it. "Luke?" I started to get worried.

"Don't worry" he said ripping off his shirt and putting on a black hoodie.

He warned me ones again and threatened me to kill me of I try anything.

We walked to his car and this time he let me be in the car. Well a seat.


After a few more hours we changed cars. Luke abandoned my car in the middle of nowhere. What the fuck? I worked so hard to get that car. Now it's gone.

This car was more comfortable than mine though. It was bigger, it had shaded windows, really soft seats, and it had TVs which I don't know why the fuck he got a moms car...

"Five more hours" he said.

I rolled my eyes and tried falling asleep.
You might ask. Is he acting different.. Not really he's like back to him self.. Sometimes he is a little pain in the ass and bitches at me but he's normal. I'm scared that whatever he is or whatever is in him that will pop out of nowhere.

I looked at him while he was concentrating on the road. I noticed that he had a mark by his neck and his eyes were bloody red. He had facial hair, his lip ring was still the same and I noticed that he got a nose pierce.

"Enjoying the view?" He smirked and I turned to look at the window. Fuck Melanie!

"Say something" Luke commanded.

"Okay! So I'm being dragged across the US. This fucking freak doesn't let me go back home. He doesn't even let me walk out for air. He's nice one minute a bitch the next. He used to be my best friend but I don't know what happened. He kills innocent people for fun! He will kill me if I don't do what he says. To be honest he should kill me right now because this is fucking annoying and it pisses me off." I finished and Luke didn't say anything he just sped up.


"We're here" I heard Luke shacking me awake.
"Where are we?" I asked him.
"Pennsylvania" he said

We were back in the middle if the woods and this one was even more creepier than the one back in L.A.

The cabin looked pretty old and rusty.

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