Brazil to Gibraltar: Summer Heat

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Overwatch Command Ship...
Doom Slayer's POV

Brigitte: My father would love to work on such an exotic piece of armor.


Watching her work on the visor of the Praetor Suit in my own casual attire, I began to realize that I had given these people more trust than I should.

First the medic, now this.

Brigitte: Almost done with the suit. I recommend that you do not fight in it for at least a few days.

 I recommend that you do not fight in it for at least a few days

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Nah, that's not happening.

Nodding to her in appreciation, Lena whizzed by me to speak, disappearing once she finished her sentence.

Lena: We're here

That was fast.

Grabbing the Praetor Suit piece by piece, I began to store it within the vast space of the warp pack till I notice Brigitte staring at it with a sense of amazement.


Brigitte: Are you...stuffing the entire suit in that pack?

The warp pack? Of course, why wouldn't I?

Nodding, she approached me and stared at the pack.

Brigitte: It just... This....thing, defies the laws of physics and mass! What is all inside this little bag?

Well let's see... guns, clothes, action figures, ammunition, a couple of body parts, umm...

Listing things off in my head, the young girl responded with a hint of excitement.

Brigitte: Come with me. Reinhardt and Papa would love to see this umm...

Doom Slayer: Warp pack.

Brigitte: What?

Doom Slayer: It's a warp pack.

Brigitte: A...warp....pack?

I nodded as the ship opened up to the outside. The cool air from within the ship was overtaken by the scorching heat of the outside, causing a rise in temperature inside the ship.

The Hellwalker Roams: A DOOM X Overwatch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now