What Goes Beyond

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"Who are you? What has come of you?"

The dark lord has finally risen above the man many knew to be Anakin Skywalker. He is dead, buried in the past. No more conflict is in him, no more voices of the past yearning him to go back, even when it's impossible to be forgiven after everything he's done. He belongs to the dark side now and even if, from deep down there was a light that could save him, it'd be pointless. His child is gone, his wife is gone, he betrayed everyone he cared about, including his dead wife.

He walked through the halls of the forgotten temple, an agent of evil, an agent of destiny. The Chosen One has turned from his original prophecy and built upon a new one, his master had seen to his creation. His master forged "Darth Vader." and even now, with the light now gone, does he somehow sense his beloved.

The woman he loved, heart stricken of her passing, heart shattered of his fault. His breathing became slow and faint. From his view he saw a door, with red under the crack. His mind was but a darkness with no hope, whatever he felt, did, wanted when he was unconscious came true and now, at the end of his former self, he felt an odd sense of peace.

Curious, the dark lord went towards the door. And with a sudden jolt, he opened it. He saw red mists clouding the entire room. There was an endless view of it, as if it weren't just a room but something else, he felt as if it were his mind playing tricks but it wasn't. He walked around hoping to find some clue as to why this is happening, why he felt at peace, why he didn't want to end it all anymore. Why, why did he feel emotionless.

He saw, from far away, a boy that looked not far from his age when he was a jedi padawan. The boy stood there, looking down and murmuring words he couldn't comprehend or begin to understand. The boy turned and as he noticed, he held his helmet. The boy looked at him and uttered the words, "I'm Darth Vader now." He put the helmet on and ignited a green colored lightsaber. He walked closer, and attempted to touch the boys arm, but he faded away. leaving him wanting questions.

He heard a voice from behind,

"you want to know what has happened to you, why you see these things?"

Vader almost drew out his lightsaber from the unexpected person from behind, but it wasn't a person. It was some kind of cloud that is in the shape and form of some kind of species.

"Yes." Vader, replying with hopes of getting it.

"You are seeing this because of the Whills. An ancient species that has lived since the dawn of time, the force itself."

"What?" Vader was reluctant to believe such a case, the force wasn't species, it had made no sense.

"Symbiotes. Remember what Qui-Gon had spoke of, remember what you had learned about them."

Vader was surprised by the mention of his first, temporary master. The one he's seen so long ago, since he was a child.

"The Whills are trying to show you what you need to see, listen to this. Listen to them."

Vader saw the clouds forming together, from beside him he saw figures he recognized and figures he had not. There was a slain woman, with braided hair, a white outfit and a blaster wound straight through her. He saw a blond haired boy, looking to the skies of Tatooine, later, his formation into a dark lord—Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Upon seeing the two, he had questioned, whether or not it had meaning to him. He questioned how these two persons have purpose to his questions.

"Who are they?"

"The future."

He saw two clouds also forming, his dead body came to his view, killed by the same person he saw looking to the skies, he saw the Emperor, his master, crying out in surprise as he was decapitated. The destruction of a forest moon, a falling Death Star crashing into the moon, killing all life, he saw dead bodies of Obi-Wan, Ahsoka Tano, everyone he knew that survived.

"It comes in many ways, the future. It could be unexpected, one different turn and it all goes into a downward spiral. Some may call it mercy on those who see the future, most may call it absolute paranoia and a life living only in terror knowing of your death, your loved ones, anyone."

He looked at the cloud his breathing became louder,

"Why are the Whills interested in my emotions, why bother showing me dead bodies, my dead self. I do not care for them nor myself."

"They're not just dead bodies."

"Then what are they?!"

"I cannot tell you. If i do, you'd have known everything prior to finding out, we only acknowledge the future of you, your master and what you already do know."

"Then what causes the fall of the Death Star?" Vader asked, trying to trick him into telling him.


"What did you say?"

"You had failed to stop the person from destroying it. You had been saved by an unwilling participant in which was one of the pilots standing by your side. You were driven out, saved by him, at the cost of the destruction of the Death Star."

Vader looked slowly back at the cloud and now it showed him, exactly at what he had described.

"Wouldn't this do exactly what you trying to avoid? A paradox?"

"You do not know of the events that lead up, do you?"


"Then it would be of no consequence. You only know that the Death Star will fall. Not when, not where, not who, not whom does it."

"What about my wife. Can you show her... What she's like now, now that she's gone?"

He turned back and saw nothing. "She does not exist in this room, it's only darkness in here."

"Show her!" He demanded,

"Dwell deeper into the temple and perhaps, you shall see her again."

"Wait." Vader said as the mist started to fade,


He knew that this wasn't just a temple... it was something else entirely. Maybe it was the Whills behind this, maybe they really do exist. All he knew was that he needed to find his wife and see her again, he needed to find what he came here for and most of all, he needed to unravel the secrets of the temple, get ahold of himself, maybe he didn't defeat Anakin completely, there would have to be someway that allows for him to be free of Anakin. Free of the memories of everyone, except Padmé.

The man who was once a shattered soul with no point of living has at least a grip of what his destiny and legacy is. He needed to see what the Whills will not allow, he has to.

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