★ Goodbye ★

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[I n c l u d e s]

Third persons P.O.V
Matt let out a small , pleasant yawn. His ginger hair in a toss , his two different eyes their usual bright blue and green as he winced from the sun that blared through the small cracks of his only protectors. He groaned and got up his silky, lilac colored bed. He went over to the closed , comfy, not so organized closet and searched for a clean hoodie , putting on his usual purple hood and his over sized green overcoat with a bland pair of blue jeans.

He gave a small hum as he went over to his wall of mirrors , a comb in hand as he went to the lengthiest one and started to comb the ginger locks , needing to look his sunday best for his roommate. Well , use to be roommate. It was well known for a few weeks now that his Norwegian friend and Crush, Tord, was leaving for Norway to go to a city, that was unfamiliar to Matt and the bunch, so that Tord can accomplish his dreams.

Matt was of course upset, he never was able to confess his feelings , or even utter a chance to hang out with him Before this day he was leaving , he sighed as he stood and stared at himself one last time, he saw a tear threatening to drop from his freckled cheek as he quickly wiped it and walked out of his warm room.

of course it was quiet with subtle talks and cheers when he walked through the halls, no alcohol scented around or throw up lacing the comfortable aroma , it smelled of crisp bacon and coffee beans, something Matt had missed for a long time.

He slowly made his way down the stairs, his black socks giving a small 'pat' on the ground , giving off his arrival , as he stepped into view of the kitchen he saw the three friends enjoying their last moments together, Edd cooking and giving Cheers for Tord , Tom giving an occasional glances to Tord , but was of course giving little bits of effort from the lack of alcohol and joining in very few conversations, and Tord who was eating bacon and giving laughs throughout the puns and jokes.

Matt felt his heart melt at the caramel haired boy's giggles and laughs , his accent showing through , as he purred and walked in the room of the three, "Morning!" He said in his usual excited , and cheerful tone , taking his usual seat by Tord , his heart fluttering at Tord's smile and pink dusted cheeks, but he could see a bit of regret in the heavenly grey eyes as Matt saw past the small facade, and
didnt question, of course he couldnt due to not wanting to ruin the comfortable morning, but he did give courage and placed a hand on top of Tord's tanned one , "are you ready for the city?" He said softly, to soothe the boy from his worries and gently smiled.

He noticed the small regret filled eyes melted a bit , like ice melting from summer sun , as he smiled, "Im ready Matt, and dont worry , Im strong! I'll get through just fine !! But I'll miss you and the others , but I wont be lonely , Im going to see my family and old friends back in Norway!" Matt smiled, proud of the Norwegian being so strong, he slowly wrapped his arms around the tense Norwegian , and snuggled him , it wasnt his normal Friendly hugs , more of a hug he rarely gives ; the ones that shows he cares about him , one he uses to show that is not wanted , but needed at that time.

"Remember we're not too far , well ,, we are but , phones are in use ya know!" He said, his normal giddy giggle escaping , earning a long awaited chuckle from the Norwegian , earning a smile from Matt , but soon the two were silent, smiling messes , Matt breaking the silence with a , "Im going to miss you."

He heard the Norsk give a hum, the two slowly intertwining their fingers under the table , somewhere where they can express but not be seen by the other two Brits , who they knew would tease the living hell out of them. Matt glanced at the clock , the time being 10:45 am , knowing Tord was leaving soon , he looked at it and back down , biting his lip, if only he had time , just a bit more time. He could confess at this very moment - god no , he couldnt , if only he could , just a bit more time , please , a bit
Time. .

As the conversations, laughs and chatter came to an end , Edd putting luggage in the car , as Tom sat on the couch, black and white earbuds in his ears , blasting some unknown Screamo music , and Tord and Matt, sitting in their chairs , hand in hand , both the beautiful pink dusted cheeks as Matt looked at him. "I wish we had more time.." he said softly, biting his lip to prevent anything else , "Yeah.. I wish we did but , I'll only be gone in 2 years , and I'll be back to hold you hand for longer!"

Matt let out a laugh, as he smiled at the Norwegian , both slowly letting go and standing up, Matt took a moment though, letting the tingle in his hand from Tord's warmth stand , and slowly smiled and went to the front door , where the three roommates stood , and Matt joining.

Tord's car was packed and steady to go, Tord ready with a small bag wrapped around his arm with a small change of clothes , a few things of snacks , drinks, a laptop and such for the flight and drive to the nearest airport , as everything else was packed neat and tightly in the Truck. Matt smiled as he watched Tord go through the line of the three .

Edd was first ; recieving a long , comforting hug from the two best friends , both known eachother since 4th grade , Edd had taught the Norsk english , and even built the four together - even when Tom's didn't exactly work out the greatest. The two smiled as Edd patted his shoulder , giving a small , "watch the two , ok?" Soon moving down the line.

Tom was next; The eyeless male stared in an emotionless gaze , Tord didnt exactly want to hug him, giving a small pat on his spiked up hair. Even if the two fought endlessly , drunk or sober , they had their moments. Either through video games, interests or even just some small vents and rants , the two were enemies , but both will go down as friends in the end.

Finally; It was Matt's turn, Tord was hesitant , and stared , but before he could do anything , Matt took up every inch of courage and leaned forward, kissing the males cheek , leaving the flustered male to stare in love and shock. Of course the two were close , met from Edd , and built their ways through small friendly bickers , narcissistic wars , and adventures. The two did have contrasting likes and differences , but the two only grew stronger from it.

"Stay safe my brave soldier," Tord had said softly as he smiled , Matt giving a grin , and nodding , "will do Tord," he said , watching the male wave and walk to the red car , and get in, the three waving at the now gone Tord , his car going off in the distance as Matt instantly got his phone out , typing a small little message to Tord .

"Forgot to mention, I love you 💜"

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