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[ I n c l u d e s ]

Matt's P.O.V
I hummed as I pushed the bookshelf over a bit , letting out a small puff of air , as I smiled and looked around at the work I had just completed. Bed covered in a soft , silky sheet , as the curtains were ironed out , the carpet vacuumed , and funiture placed just like it use to be beforehand. The room littered with boxes covered in dust all over the carpeted floor , the framed pictures of friends and maybe even some distant relatives. The room scented in soft mixtures of candle wax , rusted metal , as well the faintest scent of old , over used paper.

Of course , I was the one put in charge for decorating , it might seem like me and my roommates ; Tom and Edd - have moved, but in reality , Im helping someone important come move in with us. I hummed as I scooted a box out the way with my sock covered foot. I looked through a few more , humming as I smiled at the memories placed before me in just small fragments of the past. The pictures playing out in stories in my head , before I was cut off by a knock , making me jolt back a bit , but calmed down from the sudden rush and look up , meeting eyes with the red hoodied male I had longed to see.

Before he could even mutter a word I went up in a fast motion , opening my arms and engulfing the smaller male in the arms of my soft hoodie, covering my lengthy arms and rather strong , built chest. I gave a squeeze , as if it was the last time I would see him, even though, it was actually the first time I've seen him after he had left.

4 years ago ; He had left to accomplish a dream in the city , Saying wonders and riches will engulf him , he never told us ; and honestly , we were too dumb to ask. All we could do was bid farewell and see you again soon, which the soon , is now. Of course he called us , and of course emailed us to enaure his safety , but never did he gather to us and celebrate , or even come and bid us a hello, it was all left to now , the time he comes back , and stays.

As the time passed and flutters away , I let my arms slowly trace back originally to my sides , looking at the obviously confused Norwegian , as I only gave a simple giggle , "Welcome back Tord," I said softly , earning a chuckle from the male , "Hey Matt," he had commented , turning around and grabbing a few boxes , packed neatly and sealed closed with tape. Of course , I was the one unboxing , but before I could touch it , I felt Tord grip my hand , leaning into my ear and muttering a small , "Dont touch those."

I was left confused and shocked at the sudden actions , Tord leaving the room with small footsteps , quiet and mysterious. Matt always charmed Tord for that , being so far away even when they were close , he always wanted to find the Tord deeper then that , and maybe ,
Just maybe,
Those boxes can hold what he wanted from the Norwegian.

As I slowly peeked my head out , looking down the hall , in a motion of right , left , right , left ; To see there was nothing but the silence that had been there before. I closed the door gently , and turned my attention towards the boxes, sealed , and calling my name. I crept over , seating myself properly on the floor , and slowly reached over for the pair of scissors , holding the up and placing the blade on the tape. Slowly tracing it up til it finished , leaving the lid to pop up a bit , but still not enough to catch a glimpse.

I slowly reached over and opened the box , to be revealed to the exact thing I maybe have been looking for this whole time.
There were stacks , some over , under or even placed sideways , cramed into the smaller box , but of course , with some type of care ; which I had known , Tord shows little to know care in anyone , or anything.

I bit my lip , I wasnt too fond of the lewd cartoons or 'anime' as Tord calls it , I wasnt even a big fan of Porn. I slowly reached in and gripped the first one I saw , looking at the cover ; A male inside another male? Of course , I am gay ; but I didnt even know about the discovery of the cartoon having gay tendencies.

Before I could stop and let it go , My curiosity got the best of me , going over to the old tv , and switching it on , popping open the cover , grabbing a hold on the disk and popping it in. I sat there , waiting for it to start up , as it began as a intro , Matt had seen it to be around 80's anime , but it didnt matter , what did was to find out Tord. To try and read Tord through such lewd videos.

Though , before I could call quits ; I had sunk into it myself. My body hot , my breathing rigid , my eyes lustful, and my hands unconsciously moving down and rubbing my now hard as rock dick. I knew it was wrong , and if I could , I wouldve pulled away ; but I cant. It was as if a force wanted me to , and needed me to do what I had been looking for.

I panted , pulling my pants and boxers off in such a hurry , this feeling hurt , my cock hurt ; It wanted to be inside something , someone , I wanted to feel pleasure , but I didnt know how! I panted and slowly started to stare down at the sight of my erected dick , pre cum slipping down the length, and slowly bringing my hand up and around , I started to go up and down , making me gasp.

This feeling is something I never felt before ; A mix of pleasure , good ; but also bad and almost even a inch of pain when I couldnt hold it. I panted out , biting my lip as I went up and down , gripping a bit hard , feeling the warm liquid make it's way on my hand, I just pray someone wont walk in.

I let out pants and quiet moans , but before I could stop myself , I let out a small scream , covering my mouth , and hoping to god no one heard it. Though, my prayers were wasted , as a certain red hooded male had opened the door to show a almost fully naked me , on the floor with my dick in hand, I couldve sworn I had saw a flash of mischief or even pure delight , but it turned back to a face of shock, before , A smirk had made it's way onto there.

Of course I didnt understand , until I saw him shut the door ; lock it , and make his way behind me. As if it was on cue , the tv shut off and lights had gone dim , I could feel Tord's breath on my neck , the slightest scent of alcohol and cigars in the males breath. I shivered when I felt cold lips on my neck , of course ; Im not use to this , It was uncomfortable , wrong , and Indecent ! Though , even when I say that , I found myself movong my neck , moaning and panting , gripping onto my hoodie for the pleasureable support .

I let whimpers and pleas escape as my one green and one blue heterochromatic eyes looked over , seeing the Norwegian's hand slowly reach over to grip my cock ; Which I had swatted away.
I know I am in a need of pleasure , and an awful need of help , but ; I was scared. This is my first time , and without prep or anything ; Im scared.

Though ; Even though I was , I saw Tord reach over slightly , and give soft coos to calm me , as if he cared , as if he saw how scared I was at this new feeling. I leaned against the male, as his hand slipped down my hip and wrapped around my cock , making me jolt , but calm down. I needed the help , I needed only Tord to help me, no one else.

I gave myself little preperations to calm me down , as I stopped and let out a moan when I felt the hand slide down , and back up. I panted and shook gently , this was way better then how I had done it. I never even touched my dick before , so how was I suppose to know how to ; Tord did it so fluently , and so , pleasurably needed.

I let out moans and maybe even a few screams for Tord , who ran cold kisses and hickeys along my pale skin , I panted , and beforr I could stop myself or Tord , I came on my hoodie. Panting and leaning against Tord.

Luckily for me ; That was enough for both of us , though that didnt stop some aftercare , which was cuddles and few soft kisses on the forehead. I know we werent anything special , or as close I wish we were be , but at least I can say we got a bit closer.

That was enough for me to be happy.

Yo This was quick Im sOrry , as well , hA THEY DIDNT GET TOGETHER IN THE END

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