[6*] Pray For Aadya

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Police Station

The sun had risen in Busan. A light fog had befallen the city and within it, lied a police station buzzing to life from last night's events. Nakia stood by a window and gazed at the people that walked and vehicles that zoomed by. She watched intently for any sign of something amiss. The Wakandan was ready to react at any given moment.

Deeper within the building was the perpetrator of last night's events cuffed to a chair. Along his face were scuff marks and dried blood earned through the brawl between him and the King of Wakanda looking to pass judgment on the wanted criminal.

Despite his current situation, a grin was plastered on his face. He rocked in his chair and glanced around until his eyes landed on his reflection within the interrogation window. Ulysses Klaue knew all too well that on the other side of it, he was being watched.

Nonetheless, he smiled at his reflection in the window. "Hello," he said, greeting only himself. "I can see you, I can." A wheezing laughter fell from his lips. He threw his head back slightly before perking his lips up to begin making high pitched kissing noises.

On the other side of the glass stood T'Challa, his general - Okoye, Agent Ross with the CIA, and Aadya. A grimace had befallen on all their faces as they observed Ulysses Klaue.

"I need coffee before I deal with," Ross's hands motioned toward Klaue, "that."

Three pairs of eyes followed him as he walked away with a sigh. Ross had interrogated numerous amounts of people within his career, but the simple thought of questioning Klaue wore him out before it even began.

Aadya watched his retreating back before making a suggestion she knew he'd turn down, "I'll go and interrogate him if you want."

The CIA agent shifted to eye her, continuing his stride towards the nearby door. "You're joking, right?" He let out a chuckle and turned to pull the door open.

She shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms over her chest, returning to eye Klaue and his ongoing antics. She needed a distraction from the million questions that roamed in her mind about the two individuals who stood beside her. But even more so, she felt a sense of gratitude towards the man for saving her after she froze. It was unlike her to freeze at the sign of danger and this unsettled the young woman.

T'Challa was just as curious about the caramel toned woman beside him. He shifted in his stance slightly and subtly to take a quick glance at her. He noticed her reserved stance and the focused expression etched on her features while she stared thoughtfully at the man on the other side of the glass. Dark curls flowed in elegant ringlets down to her shoulders. She sported a more casual attire compared to the dress she wore the night prior.

His memory returned to that of their first encounter and the look of determination on her face while gazing upon Klaue. He wondered about the relationship, if any, between her and the wanted arms dealer. Nothing prepared him for the parties involved and present at the casino. Nevertheless, he was going to return to Wakanda with Ulysses Klaue. It was first his mission as the new sovereign ruler of the nation and he intended not to disappoint.

"We haven't formally met," T'Challa started, turning to face Aadya with a friendly smile, "I'm T'Challa and this is Okoye." He motioned towards his general that stood motionless on his other side. The warrioress sent a weak smile before returning her attention to Klaue.

Aadya's brown eyes locked with T'Challa's before they flickered to his outstretched hand. She took it into her own and they shook.

"I'm Aadya Corlow." The words fell from her lips as her eyes traveled to once again meet T'Challa's dark ones. She noticed his eyebrows furrowed together as his orbs lingered on the woman, thoughts, and questions churning in his mind.

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