Chapter 7

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Zoey's POV
"Am i imagining stuff or this is really happening" Zoey sruggs her shoulders in concern and sit on the sofa. "I don't even know why she's doing this, i mean, why would someone actually ruin their life after me..that's absurd man". Zi checks her phone and there are 3 new messages From Kris.

Kris: Hey I had a fun time last night,couldn't stop thinking about you really..
Kris: I just wanted to ask are you free today..i mean our Relationship of some days just started and I was thinking if you'd like to go out with me..maybe?
Zi: Well to be honest with you, i really don't have much to work on so..i think that's a yes
Kris: Good then, Meet me at the Park in 24 Avene, At 7 Sharp, Xoxo
Zi: Alright, I'll be there!

"She's really not the type to be disobeyed though..Yet i can see in her eyes that she's not a Dominant" ZZoey thinks to herself. Oh well she doesn't know the kinda person I am which is, I think the reason she is doing this, Other people are sccared of me..Welp i think I'll watch some netflix till then.

3rd Person POV
While Zi was watching her netflix, Alex- Her Older brother came scared  the shit out of her, Zi said "Oh my fucking god, Wtf dude what is your fucking problems with scaring people,Jeez" Zi shakes her head trying to calm herself down. Alex with a smrik on his face says "Aww did i scare my little cupcake". "Fuck off" Zoey said. "Oh well then what are you doing?" Zi rolls her eyes and says" My dearest Brother what Do i seem like to be doing? I am Watching T.V" Alex hit Zi lightly on the head and asks" Not that stupid, About your relationship with this girl...what was her name again?" Zoey opens her eyes wide at Him and asks "How the fuck did you knew about this..?"Alex says "Yeah Kristen! And the rumors all around the college bro, Your famous now" Zoey stood there Eyes wide open on what Her Brother has just said and says" You're kidding me right? There is no way..I mean WHY the fuck did she do such a thing? Jeez-". "oh well maybe you should ask her"

"Maybe not...she wants me she'll have it, and ofcourse there is no way im falling, have that lady fun while it lasts" Alex looks at Zoey in concern "Zi it's been 1 year now..don't you think you should-". "I'm over her Alex..I told you, I don't know who she was nor i wanna know, and love is just a joke for me, Just a four letter word". "I know but is this necessary, all this drama, pretending like you don't care, and I know you had that feeling for her when you saw her..I can see that in your eyes-" Zi cuts him off and says" There's nothing i felt alright Don't hypothesize everything alex". "As the big girl says, I'll be leaving you to it then, I'm just gonna say this thing, If this doesn't work, Things will turn into disaster". "Very well then, I'll be waiting for it then, now let me watch this thing" Alex smiles and hits her for the second time, "Whatever you say".

Zoey's Pov
And that was my Brother Alex Robbinson, 22 years old, Straight af and A scholar- A perfect type of guy any girl wants. If you ask me I would never want to be with such a guy. He's a real Nice guy, Helps poor, He's responisble Unlike me, I have to have a wheel chair even to get to the bathroom. We've been like best friends since age 7, He's my best brother anyone can get, And yes ofcourse we roast the shit out of each other sometimes even Play tricks on people.If i ever trust anyone in this world the most He is that person.

Sorry for not updating for A WHILE like im really sorry, but i was in a mess and idk if anyone cares if i update but still, I hope i shall update the upcoming chapter as soon as possible, Stay Awesome and don't forget to vote to show your support

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