Chapter 3

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A/n: Here's chapter 3! Enjoy! Btw, a few parts here have been changed. And the song above, don't play it until I tell you to

-Reader's POV-

Everyone was on the dinner table, of course, eating

I looked around for a minute and noticed Yui hasn't touched her food yet

Laito spoke to Yui to break the silence "You haven't eaten very much, Bitch-Chan" Yui turned her head to Laito "You need to eat properly or you could become anemic. Would you like me to feed you?"

"Laito" Reiji called "It's bad manners to get to your feet during a meal"

"Yes, sir" He replied before turning back to Yui "We'll continue this late, Bitch-Chan" He then walked back to his seat

All of a sudden, Shu stood up

"Shu-san...?" Yui called

"This is a pain" Was all he said before walking away

"That deadbeat" Reiji muttered aloud "Nothing good can come of anyone who grows up spoiled rotten"

"Teddy, what would you like to eat next?" Konato questions his teddy bear "Let's have a banana snowball" He then tried getting the snowball with his fork, but eventually breaks in half

"He won't even make the effort to attend our monthly dinner party" Reiji told us "That will be all for today"

Everyone except Yui and Reiji stand up and walk their separate ways

"Thank you Reiji for the food" I thanked him bluntly before walking to my room

-At your room-

I was lying down on my bed while listening to music, until a voice spoke to me

"Whatcha listening to, Melons?"

"Songs you won't understand" I replied

"Let me suck your blood" Ayato demanded

"I was about to take a bath, so maybe some other time" I stood up and walked to the door. But before I was able to do so, Ayato grabbed my wrist and pulls me to him "Let me go, Ayato. Now"

"No" He then lowers himself to my collarbone and bites it, leaving a mark


"That pain you feel is my stamp mark" He then stamps me on my chest "I'll save the rest after your bath. Don't be late, or you know the consequences" He said before teleporting elsewhere

-In the bathroom-

I set my headphones on the sink and look at the stamps that Ayato gave me

'He's so possessive' I thought

I was about to walk to the bathtub, until I found someone already in it

I walk there "Shu...?"

"Keep it down...not so loud" He said "I'm just having a bath, that's all"

"But you're still dressed"

"Okay, then undress me"


"Didn't you come in here hoping to see me naked?"

Heat rose to my cheeks "Wh-What?! No! I just came in here have a bath"

"Want to join me?"

"N-No! Why, in the hell, would I do that?!"

Shu smirked "You're blushing, you know"

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