Forgotten Pasts and New Beginnings (Prologue)

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SICC= supernatural industry containment center= They are a force world wide that contains Supernatural being's that do not follow rule's or lives in consent bloodlust also protecting those whom cannot protect themselves as well as helping supernatural being's that need it.

The cold crisp snow littered the ground while the freezing air was sour, toxic almost, filling your lung's up with every little breath you take, like little needles jabbing all over your bare skin with just a touch of the winter wonder land, lush green pine trees would hold the white flakes of ice with all of it's glory, the sun was no where to be seen even though it was morning but a gray cast over seemed to cover the sky like a curtain blocking the sun's warm gaze, but not all the snow was a stunning white. Red, Red was scattered over the snow and flung against the tree's, soft and hushed scream's and cries left the farther part of the wood's while a small child's bare feet pattered against the frozen unforgiving ground, getting farther and farther away from the loud and chaos screaming, more then one, in fact it sounded like a whole town was in panic. Her red curls bounced over her shoulders and brushed against her back while tear's rushed down her pale chubby cheek's leaving her big doll like jade green eye's, a soft sob left her mouth while her bottom lip quivered. The small female trembled to the slight jab's against her feet from the prickly snow, her lung's felt like they were numb making it harder to breath, the small child lost her footing and toppled over head first into the snow, slamming against a tree trunk with a loud thud. Red, Red leaked down from her hair line and forehead before her sight slowly started to turn fuzzy, the world was spinning around her and everything was a blur, a def ringing in her ear made her eye's bat slight, her long lashes patted her cheek's while her eye's fought the urge to role in the back of her head and gut wrenching throb came crashing down on her tiny head, the pain making the tear's fall faster and her sobs become a choking sound of painful groan's and sob's.

As her sight finally failing her, two massive wolves ever so slowly patter over to her, their fur as black as night and eye's as red as the blood that covered her clothes and leaked from her head, a sight she could never forget, their paw's dug up the snow letting out a low growl that rumbled deeply in their chest, snarls and large canines whiter then the pure driven snow showed while their paws carried them closer to the tiny child. A helpless sob left her mouth, she didn't want to die, she wanted her mommy and daddy but who was her mother and father? What was her name again? These thought rushed through her head but every time she tried to think about it a pain shot through her head like a loose bullet, and her thoughts didn't stop the blurry wolves from stepping ahead. Getting closer the little girl kicked her feet slightly and slowly as she lay's half dead, half alive with her head and back to the tree trunk, falling in and out of it the child's hair looked like red roses blooming on the tree, the bright lovely color filled with many shades of red, her night shirt was ruined and her hooded gaze was falling deeper into a forever slumber. The child did not want to die like this, she may have been little but she knew such a thing as death even at her age, she couldn't recall how old she was or how she knew what death was or the fact the red liquid was indeed blood. Creeping closer until their large bodies were close enough the small child could feel their breath on her, the wolves head's lowered to her level letting out a threatening growl, one that told her she'd die soon enough, one of the black as night hellish wolves opened it's large jaw's whipping his head down ready to kill, as fast as he was going everything seemed slow to the little girl, her life would flash before her eye's but everything would be blank, pure darkness would be the last thing she would see. This was what she would think as her eye's closed ready for her unstoppable death, ready to feel the jaw's of death snap her in two, she waited but the soft muffled ring of what sounded like metal ripping through flesh and a yelp followed, snarling and what sounded like muffled men voice's could be heard, more sounds entered her ear's, it sounded like bottle rocket's were going off and it was more then one, one after another followed by yelping, until it goes dead quite, her body managed to tremble even in her state, she was scared and was cold as the snow she sat on. The tiny child open her eye's, of course she was hanging onto her life with everything she had, her green jewel like dull dying eye's looked to the wolf that laid on the ground and the red was seeping out of it, both of them laid on the ground while her eye's glanced to the other, her sight worse then before and not even able to lift a finger. Out of the corner of her eye the child seen what looked like a older man with brown hair kneel down beside her and turned her wrist over placing his index finger and middle finger there, it seemed the child already looked dead.

" it's okay young Miss.We'll-.....-care of-.....-hang-....." The Man would state this as his words fell in an out, at time's her ear's would not hear anything but then his voice would break through, this happened when her sight went blank then back to the man, that was until everything faded to black cutting him off mid way.

A soft chirping softly echoed in the black hole the small child was floating around in, it was dark and the little girl was scared of the dark, the chirping got louder and louder with each moment that passed it, not before long out of the corner of her eye's the small frighten child saw a light, it was the shape of a door, she tilted her head looking to this door made out of light, her tiny hand reached to it as she got closer and closer, once there the light filled up the room making everything blurry. Once the blur fade's she seen her hand raised in the air just above her head, it seemed she was reaching to a gray celling and not to the light of heaven's door, she was in a room that looked plain and only had a bed and a side table that was wooden from what she could see while the sun gleamed through the window's that were opened slightly, the white curtains danced looking like ghost and the wind toyed with them. The little girl lowered her hand and propped her elbows behind her sitting up and on her bottom, the blankets spread across her legs were a white shade but the fabric was thick and comfortable, placing her hand to her head she felt a wrap wrapped around her head in a snug manner the child was confused, where was she? What happened? Why did her head hurt and her feet were sore?. The little red-headed girl heard a soft knock to the door making her eye's snap to it as a rather tall brown hair male with blue eye's stepped in, he was like a tree to the small girl and was strong looking as well but his eye's looked gentle to her, so her little heart calmed down from it's loud and scared beat, but it still took a nose dive into her stomach.

He took slow step's over to the little girl, quiet worried he'd scare the death out of her but that wasn't the case, the little girl's eye's were dull and lifeless, oddly she looked calmed and unfazed by him being there or like she lacked any emotion's or feeling's like a empty shell of a human being. The tall male sat at the ended of the bed placing his hand's in his lap looking to the little girl offering her a tender smile" Hello little Miss, I'm Caption Lux but you can call me just Lux, how are you feeling this morning, you had quiet the bump on your head" The man told her this in a hushed and soothing tone, now looking closely he looked older but not old, he looked like he was in his 20's maybe. The small girl looked up at him with the same chilling eye's and opened her mouth to speak" it. hurt's a little" The small girl would tell Caption Lux with a soft dry voice and he nod's to her still smiling a bit" Well worry not Young Miss, the nurse will bring in something that will make you feel much better, may I know you're name Dear?" This time he cocked his eyebrow up while asking this. The little Girl didn't remember her name looking down to her hand's playing with them her head began to throb but she pushed the pain aside" my name is.....I....I can't remember Lux" Her voice broke a little saying this to him, Lux brow's frowned a bit in a soft and understanding manner as her little lip began to quiver slightly, her red hair falling in her face while her teary eye's held nothing, dull, blank, but with a gentle touch to her head the little girl looked up to Lux as he gently rubbed her head" okay, how about I call you Little Red? Or maybe Red for short and because you're hair is such a beautiful red like a red Rose, how about Rose will be you're name, how does that sound little Red??" Lux told her with a soft chuckle, a light hearted one that made Rose eye's fill up with tear's, for some reason hearing the word Rose made her eye's tear up, she didn't know why and she couldn't put her finger on it.

Letting out a soft sob Rose nodded her head to his word's, she finally had a name, she was happy she didn't die right then and there, she was happy she could live and grow up though she couldn't remember whom she was or who her true self was but she swore she would not stop till she found out. Lux didn't dare ask the sobbing child if there was anything she could remember while she took her arm's rubbing them against her face wiping the tear's from her chubby cheek's Rose sat there all day while Lux brought her food and such, coloring book's, anything she asked him too, her day's of recovering slowly got better but the memories were lost, not knowing who she was Rose felt trapped under a unseen force that weight her down, but Rose would never give up, that was for sure. After that day Rose was never the same again, seeing the world for how ugly it was but little did she know this would change her life forever.

( hello to all whom is reading this, this is my first story and I do hope you enjoy it but please be nice I'm not very good at writing just yet so please be gentle to my soul in the comment section also forgive the short chapter )

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