Six Sister's

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~ Rose up top~

The large room was a bit dark as small candle's would flicker a small amount of light into the dim room, a pin could be dropped from across the room and heard clear as day, the fourteen men sat at the large round metal table looking to one another not quiet sure why they were called to come forth in this meeting room, it must be very important they do so, the one whom stood before them all way none other then Lux himself with a most calming look in his blue eye's and a soft smile that made the men most shocked, the head of SICC never Smile's ever unless he is pleased with their work, Lux was like a messenger for the higher up's, he make's sure rule's are set in stone and carried out, making him a very powerful man. They all looked to him as he cleared his throat still standing in front of them, his eye's peering to them all with something gleaming in them, he looked proud perhaps maybe something else but he couldn't keep the smile away no matter how hard he tried.

"Gentlemen I welcome you all to this meeting and I have good news to tell you" Lux paused only for a second but to the men around the table it felt like year's as Lux looked them all over one more time" it seems we've got a new Leader of one of the SICC Bases" Lux states in a soft but clear tone, almost every one of the men at the table were in awe at this, their eye's almost popping out of their skull, some chuckled, some scowled unsure of this so called newbie, but one man that stood out most, a older man whom was loosing a lot of his hair but what little hair he had was gray, his eye's a cold brown tone and his fingers placed together like a puzzle piece in front of with both elbows on the table, his figure looked frail and almost breakable" and who may I ask is this young man that thinks they have the audacity to come here and be the leader of one of the base in SICC" The older gentlemen snapped in a venom like tone dripping with it, Lux raised one of his brows to this harsh statement of hate, it was clear by the smirk growing on Lux lips he wasnt putting up with his bullshit" Sir Harold would you be so kindly to shut that dry old trap of yours for a couple of seconds to let me explain why they were voted as a Leader and base of their own" Lux said with his cold and emotionless tone that hummed deep in his chest making everyone speechless in a matter of seconds, even the older man whom made it clear he had no respect for other but himself. Lux nod's once the room was hushed into soft slight whispers now" Thank you, now.. This person climb up the ranks with a team of only five, they have contain and collected every being they have come across that was in deep blood lust out of 600,000 missions only starting them at fourteen " Lux starts out as his tone was hushed as the men at the table looked to each other, they were all speechless, they didn't thin a team of five could do such a thing, many of their men had not made it during missions, little light would show their faces, but Sir Harold kept his cold gaze.

Her heels clacked against the marble floor while a long line of men placed their hands to their forehead puffing out their chest in respect, her heel boot's stopped at her knees and laid on top of black leather pants, then she had a stunning red dress shirt under with a black tight vest over her curvy waist coming up lapping over her shoulders while a thick black coat draped over her shoulder's and swayed behind her, a gold star placed on the vest with the number fifteen under it. Her rosy red curls bounced over her shoulders and against he back with the fabric as well and a toothy grin placed on her soft pale pink lips, green eye's peered out of thick lashes as she saw the metal door's ahead of her, her first meeting and she was almost late, shame on her she should be more prepared and in fact she was, already knowing what they would say she placed her hands onto the double doors pushing them open too see the men in the dim lit room all look to her while Lux chuckled a bit holding out his hand gesturing to None other then Rose whom wore the Star on her black vest. Before she knew it the room was in a up roar once learning a female took the title of Leader, Lux dismissed the comments about the Base going down hill and such, Lux shook his head to the pure disrespect of them all, getting tired of it, his fist came down on the table making a dent before the room was no more, not a peep or even their breathing could be heard.

Rose stood with her arms folded over her chest as Lux clears his throat pulling his hand from the table, Rose didn't even flinch like the rest, she knew how he was, Lux was her father after all, if they wished to act like animals Lux would have to act like the Master, no way around it, nothing more needed to be explained, this is how things would be from now on no matter what they had to say about it, Lux was Proud of Rose to have come this far and in fact he was proud of all his kids he'd have to do something to congratulate them Watching Rose walk over taking a seat, pride with every step holding her head up Lux smiled to himself. Rose scooted her chair in looking around the room to the men that whom gave her such a warm welcoming to the group, if Rose could be reborn as something it would be sarcasm and sass but because she wanted to show she was much better then these men, she gave her thoughts in the most respectful way as they went over missions that were needed to be done, but of course Rose got the small time Missions to start out with, nothing wrong with that, she was just starting out as a leader after all and maybe one day she'd get the respect of the other's but that was something earned not given. Rose pan's her eye's around the room, not bending her gaze from the glares or mocking gleam in the men's eye's, over hearing Lux talk about a meeting coming up next week, dealing with the other supernatural lord's coming and greeting the Leader's of each base, this along made Rose chest tighten and her skin to pale more then the hue already was, her hands a bit sweaty, she'd be meeting men and women whom power knows no limit and it truly worried Rose but not a slight look of it showed on her satin skin and gentle features. Once the meeting came to a end the men stood and slowly walked out of the double metal doors in which was opened for them, Rose was making her way out when a firm arm came out blocking her way out, Rose wasn't paying much mind with her gaze looking blank she'd come crashing into the arm making her eyes snap up to the person whom stopped her. It was none other then Lux himself giving Rose a soft smile pulling her into a hug, stunning Rose but after a second of holding her there Rose brought her arms around him returning the hug.

" I'm so proud of you Little Red, you've come so far, you held you're head high and walked as if you owned this place, you'll become a amazing Leader, and a even more amazing person" Lux coos sweetly to Rose as she closed her eyes, tightening her grip in his loving grasp, her father was proud, it made her warm and fuzzy, any child would be so joyful from their father praising them, Rose adored her father and this meant so much to her. Lux let her go cupping her face and placing a kiss to her forehead before holding put his arm for her to take, Rose laps her arm around his in a gentle manner as Lux led her out the door, a smile clear on his face, Lux was stern man and showed no emotions to any of his comrades but when it came to his six little girls he'd melt, no they were not little anymore but to Lux they still were under ten even though they were in their teens, Lux would have the biggest smile around them, true Lux always wanted to have a boy like most father's do but his girls well, they fought like men and Lux was happy, his Lovely wife was happy was what was not to love about his family. Lux made his way to his car opening the door for Rose as she slide into the front seat as buckling up while Lux hopped in the driver seat, the town was dim with light as morning fell and night raised, small flickers here and their dancing in the windows of other's homes, the tires slicking over the rainy road, splashing through puddles while the fresh scent of moist dirt and wet bark slipped through the cracked window of the car on Rose side, she'd close her eyes for a second taking in the pleasant scent. Rose listen to the soft chatter of men standing outside from a bar as they sped past, the hum of a quiet town was one she grew up in, one she adored, Rose loved the people here, they were nice and friendly and never was rude or fought for no reason, in short they were like her family too, SICC kept everyone here safe and looked up to Lux and his family, the town was rather large in size connecting to other towns, one of the biggest base in the world of SICC and Lux was the one whom who led it.

Celeste placed her slender finger tips to the white silk fabric giving a gentle tug while her ivory white wavy hair draped over her shoulder and her white eye's look through thick lashes on ahead with a blank stare, her hands scan down her curves, Celeste was tall but thin, petite almost but she had a modal like figure, she'd smoothing out the dress before feeling another in the room, her body slowly turning to the feel of them, it just appeared whomever it was, the soft wet scent of the outside world embraced over her nose making her turn to the open window, the scent of earth and steel entered her nose making her giggle a little while a soft smile graced over her rose pale pink lips as she closed her eye's " Good Evening Zaha, how was your walk?" Celeste asked with a soft gentle tone before hearing a snort of amusement as the shorter black haired female stepped in quiet like from the ledge of the window plopping down on the seat that was attached to the bottom of the window" Cel I appreciate you covering for me but you can come out and say smoking, just not around the others but its just the two of us so its no prob" Zaha said with her slang placing her hands in her pockets of her leather jacket, her bright blue eye's scan up the rip of Celeste dress while cocking a perfect eyebrow, she wondered if Celeste noticed it, Zaha was the shortest of all six girls and a little more curvy then the others, her breast also out doing her sister's along with her cocky smart mouth. Zaha watched Celeste turn back to the mirror but not fully, Zaha played this the jewel stud that stat on the side of her nose and clacked her tongue ring against the roof of her mouth as her tall sister turned to her holding out her hands" How do I look Za, Does it look alright?" Celeste asked while Zaha let out a soft laugh shaking her head eyeing the rip and noted it was on backwards" Well First off" Zaha paused a moment trying to hold in her laugh as it tried to break free" you look like a homeless Slut with the rip going up your leg" Zaha said almost to bluntly balling up her fist and placing it to her red rosy lips snorting a little holding herself back once more while Celeste ran her hand up her thigh feeling the rip Zaha was talking about" and well the dress is on backwards soooooo" Zaha pushed her lips together sticking them out as the last bit of her words left her mouth while looking out of the corner of her eye, Celeste let a pout fall onto her lips while turning back around to the mirror tugging at the skin tight fabric, Zaha let out a sigh leaning her back against the wall crossing one leg over the other, the leather high heel boots standing out in the dim candle light.

" so Cel why do you look in the mirror when your blind and only can see shadows?" Zaha asked, growing up Celeste always did this but she couldn't see, not herself nor anything so why act like you can see, it puzzled Zaha, its not as if she could see the shadow of her dress but see always seemed to smile when feeling the dress on her skin, in fact for a women whom lacked sight she could see through everyone, always smiling, she could see the brighter side in everything or anyone no matter how bad they seemed, Zaha adored Celeste and Zaha being the baby of them all the sisters where protective of her even though she could handle herself. Celeste smile a little bit sadly at Zaha words but none of the less she smiled slicking her hands back down her curves as Zaha played with her lip ring with the tip of her fingers waiting for a answer.

" Well. it makes me feel normal like there is nothing wrong with me.. True I can't see but it's still nice ya know" Celeste said with a soft hushed tone turning to her sister with a soft smile playing on her lips.

" I see well I find you normal even if you can't see, it doesn't change who you are, and youre a Dimension, and you know that we never let anything stop us" Zaha chuckled standing up making her way over to Celeste only to be brought into a hug by her sister, Zaha Rolled her eyes moving her head while Celeste let out a giggle.

" Blah, to mushy, it's gross" Zaha whined getting a mouth full of perfume making her gag as she wiggled out of a very giggly Celeste grasp stepping a bit away and headed to the door walking backwards" But now not only do you look like a skank you smell like one too" Zaha snorts laughing until a hand came clear across the back of Zaha head making her jerk forward biting on her tongue as Celeste eyes widen smiling brighter then ever" Lilly!!" Celeste called out giggling " Ah! Fuck that hurt!! The fuck Lilly!!" Zaha Snapped shooting a glare to her sister whom smiled a little darkly, the tall breathtaking female stepped inside, silky olive skin and a gold color dress laid against it, the dress was backless leaving it bare as gold chains came brushing across latching onto the other side covering a little bit of the hieroglyphics that were tattooed on her back, the front of the dress strapped around her neck making it look like molten gold was poured on her, her eyes were almond shaped as black winged eye liner graced her eye lids just kissing the corner, her lip stick was a stunning black with a thin golden line placed at the center of her bottom plump lip. A slit ran up the her dress resting on her hip while her pin straight raven fair hair laid along her back as her lips turned up into a smile" hello Cel.. Eh.. Your dress is-I know I was informed" Celeste cut Lilly off before flustering up a bit from her mistake only making Lilly laugh lightly turning to Zaha as Zaha rolled her eyes walking over to her bed before Lilly walked over to the closet scanning through, running her finger tips against the fabric until something caught her eye and her smile brighten.

" Ah, perfect" Lilly states.

" I know I am" Zaha chimes in.

" Not you, the dress, you flea" Lilly retorts as she grabbed a pale blue long dress.

one that would look darling on Celeste, Lilly made her way over to her sister pulling the zipper down and helping Celeste into the dress, the straps crossed over her chest before landing along her shoulders, a jewel belt laid across under her chest snuggly but anything under it was loose and frilly, helping Celeste put the pale blue flats on Celeste smiled kindly thanking her sister before sitting down near the window. The door opened to a middle sized female with black hair as well but in the light a purple hue would shimmer down her head, her skin was pale and her eye's where a bright pale lavender, she was also thin, frail looking but indeed she wasn't, not even close, she wore a slightly longer dark purple dress that was strapless and stopped a little below her knees. Her black hair was in curls but her gaze.. It was one that lacked feeling, it was cold, emotionless almost as she sat on the bed.

" Hello Nightshade!" Celeste smiled calling out her sisters name making the other sisters follow the greeting.

" Hello" Nightshade would state in a hushed tone, her face blank like her voice but plain while her eyes fell over her sisters, Nightshade found herself felling quiet, she lacked what mot people needed to live a normal life and sisters respected it.

Rose walked into the door with a pink haired female, the pink haired female hair was a lot more curly then Roses" Amatia, Rose welcome home" Celeste states once more before all of the sisters besides Nightshade tackled the two while giggling loudly, Rose was shocked not really expecting to get such a warm welcoming by her sisters but she took it, Amatia let a soft laugh as her curly pink locks covered her face blocking out her light blue gaze as a fit of giggle left the dog pile, Rose wiggled her way out or well tried but it was all in vain because she had extra weight on her, Amatia placed her hands in her hair slicking back her bouncy curls, one eye a chilly blue while the other was a honey gold Like Lilly's but more discolored, spots of freckles ran over her nose and stopped at her cheek bones letting out a small laugh Amatia slipped out from the pile unscaled while putting the rest of the weight on Rose making her smack her hand on the ground.

" I give! I give! You guys win, youre a bunch of hippos!! Get off!, I'll tell!" Rose called out breathless.

Before she knew it all of her sisters slipped off of her before sitting on their own bed, Rose walked to the closet opening it up going through her clothes and her sisters waited for her to go on, excited about the base and where they will be staying, but of course they would have to leave their mother and father, but they promised to come see us but Rose wasn't too worried but she'd miss them, Pulling out a silk red dress that was strap less but came to her knees and the fabric that kept going was see through, her stunning long legs would be able to be seen, her red bottom heels would go perfect with her outfit as she started to get dressed.

" Well, you see girls we will be having our Base up in the snowy mountains" Rose paused as Celeste smiled brightly at the words 'snowy' Amatia let her tongue click to the roof of her mouth giving a little dance as she slide into her jewel studded frilly short dress with flats because she was already so tall, Zaha let out a sigh, she hated cold weather more then anything, Nightshade stayed quiet reading her book, her glasses sliding here and there making her use her black painted nails push her glasses up, Lilly pushed her lips together giving the thought a nod shrugging her shoulders, it was clear it wasn't a bad idea to her" well we will have our hands full a lot, our own offices, paper work, training room and so on" Rose was waiting to say the good stuff last as the girls groan while pouts rest on their lips" And well our own Missions without needing approval" Rose said with a smirk while she wasn't facing the girls zipping up her dress" soft cheering could be heard behind Rose as she spun around letting the dress sway with her curvy body, smiling to her sisters cocking a eyebrow" C'mon hoe's let's get going, don't want to be late" Rose chimes as they made their way to the door stepping out to celebrate and drink, If Lux would allow them too that is, many thing's were in store for the girls. And not all of them were good.

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