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“Do you get summoned when I'm just thinking about you?” - Ji Eun Tak


Winwin stepped out of the airport and removed his glasses from his face, examining his surroundings. This is it. This is Korea. The place he dreamed about going to ever since first watching his favorite Korean drama Goblin. He's officially breathing the same air as Gong Yoo, and he cannot believe it.

But he also cannot believe that he's miles away from home and on top of that he's all alone with no relatives or friends.

"AHHHHH!" Winwin screamed. Atleast he wanted to scream. Earlier there? He just screamed in his head, not in real life. But it was the perfect way to describe his emotions: jittery, and fearing for his life.

Winwin hadn't been abroad before. And now that he is it's a time where he is not prepared to be. Atleast wait until I graduated! Winwin cried. I don't wanna go to another country to LEARN! This exchange student business may sound like a dream to others, but to Winwin, it was a nightmare.

It all started on the day the school announced their exchange student program with their partner institution in Korea. Students who excelled and had high grades' names were written on a piece of paper and put inside a ballot box to determine just who was going to be chosen for the program. At first Winwin didn't think much of it. It's not like there was a chance he was going to be chosen out of a thousand students. Sure he had quite a few amount of followers on Weibo, but Winwin never really stood out. Most of the time he was in the background hanging with his friends Kun, Lucas and Jungwoo.

To explain his friends, they've been there for Winwin since.. practically forever. And they of all people KNEW Winwin was 100% not eligible to be a foreign exchange student.

"Winwin, you can't even cook without almost burning the kitchen down," Jungwoo addressed. Which was true, Winwin never cooks for the safety of others (unless it's instant ramen). "How are you gonna be a foreign exchange student? People are gonna eat you alive!"

"Heh. Winwin is pretty delicious, anyone would wanna eat him alive," Lucas made a perverted remark (as usual, Jungwoo is disappointed but not surprised at this).

"Hey, hey, Lucas!" Kun, being the greatest mom to exist, scolded him. "Stop being such a creep! You know Winwin is innocent and he can't be influenced by the likes of you!"

While Kun was scolding Lucas the headmaster walked up the stairs to the stage, getting ready to pick out names. At this point, Winwin was relaxed, without a care in the world. He wasn't gonna be picked for sure. He's lucky like that, he's always lucky like that. He never gets the worst outcome.

"Who do you think is gonna be picked?" Jungwoo asked Winwin curiously. The boy just shrugged. "I dunno, maybe one of the rich kids," said Winwin.

"But Winwin you ARE a rich kid." (While we're at this it would also be fine to address that Winwin is actually a potential corporate heir, but nobody ever talks about that because Winwin doesn't want to be an heir.)

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna get chosen."

They watched as the headmaster reached his hand into the ballot box to pull out the first name of the day. "The first exchange student is.. Cai Xukun," he called out. Well, that was no surprise there. It's always been that boy's dream to study abroad, and now he's getting it.

Lucas sneered as the guy walked up the stage with utmost triumph. "Damn, I hate that snob so much. He thinks he's so high and mighty all the time, talking about how rich he is like we give a fuck." He crossed his legs. "Yeah so what Cai Xukun? I bang different people every night and you don't see me bragging about it."

inside winwin's heart [UNDERGOING EDITING!!!]Where stories live. Discover now