The Beginning

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Jessica didn't want to wake up that morning. She was tired of  life . How had she gotten to this point?. All she ever wanted was to get married to a rich guy and live happily  after. She had all she ever dreamed of, designer shoes, cloths, bags, makeup, nice cars, expensive perfumes.

She was actually living her fairy tale life but at what cost, her freedom. She was a slave to the so called husband of hers who she detested so much right now. He used her as a sex slave, drug smuggler, assassin - she had to learn the art after marrying him - any evil and cruel thing he felt like.

She was tired and to worsen things they couldn't have children. She had started taking depression pills but she knew she'll never get out of depression if she kept on being Diego's wife. She had nothing to live for, no family, no friends, no child, nothing.

Today she'll take her life. That should be the solution to all her problems. She'll be far away from him and he'll never be able to hurt her. She'll use his gun and frame him for murder. She still had marks on her skin from where he had beaten her up.
Jessica smiled for the first time in years. She had her bath, wore a nice dress, it was barely a dress more like ropes that covered essential parts, put on a bright red lipstick Diego's favorite, she was really feeling confident, exposing her skin to torment him with her scars and using the lipstick to turn him on.

"Today is a good day" she thought, and out she went to look for her dear husband.
The house seemed empty, the body guards weren't around and some of the cars weren't in the garage, she was losing hope of finding Diego when she heard foot steps she turned around and saw a handsome looking man coming towards her with a gun. Her first instinct was to run but she wanted to die so she stood and looked at him waiting for him to shoot her. She was standing close to the pool and she was already seeing her lifeless body in the pool soaked with her blood, that was better than what she had in mind. At least she'll still die beautiful. Her eyes caught alcohol on a table close to her, maybe she should indulge a little before she dies a little dramatic and gracious end it would be for her.  Then it occurred to her that she was still alive, why hadn't the guy shot her?.

"Why haven't you shot me?" Jessica asked in confusion

"Who says I'm going to shoot you?" Handsome man asked taking few steps closer, still pointing the gun at Jessica.

"Well you're aiming your  gun at me and I'm assuming you want to kill me because you don't point a gun if you ain't planning on using it" Jessica said. At least she for sure didn't aim a gun at someone or something without shooting. Those were one of the rules she had set for herself to make her feared and also make stories  about her interesting.  She didn't want her stories to be boring and void of the adrenaline rush.

"You have a point there, I'll kill you after you tell me where Diego is" handsome man said distracting Jessica from her thoughts.

Well there was still hope of her dying as she had no idea where her beloved husband was. For some strange reason she was really excited to die. She skipped like a little girl to the table where she saw the liquor.  Pouring some into a glass she turned around to see that handsome guy was looking at her sceptically. He was really good looking if only she would be alive a little longer she would  have wanted to fuck him. Unfortunately she was about to die.

"I don't know where he is, I've been looking for him all day, I woke up to an empty house as you can see. Please can you kill me already?" She was tired of all this aimless chatter and just wanted to welcome the death she had been craving just to escape the horrors that was her life.

"You seem desperate to die" handsome man said. He wasn't expecting her to be so eager to die.  He expected her to be adamant and stubborn.  He definitely wasn't prepared for her carefree attitude.

"I've had my drink, and my life if pretty miserable, was planning on suicide, but you're here so you have to kill me".  Jessica said with authority not wanting to give him any chance to argue. She hoped it worked as she stared at him not comprehending why he wouldn't just set her free from all this bullshit and get it over with.

Handsome man stared at her for a while. Her reply took him aback. He truly wasn't expecting that from her, he let his eyes wonder down her provocative rope like attire. The rumors must be real then, Diego did treat his wife like shit.

She had scars on her body, cigarettes burns, scars from ropes round her wrists like she had been tied, bruises from being hit, Diego must be using her as his punching bag. He had more reason to kill him now more than ever. What kind of animal treats a woman this way. She had bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days. If she was this eager to die then the stories must be true. 

Maybe he could bargain with her and find and ally in her. Someone to help him kill Diego. Hopefully she would help him or he'll have to kill her and strangely he didn't want to do that. He hoped she'll decide to help.

"What if I offer you a job?, you help me kill Diego and I'll give you your freedom, take you far away from this place where no one knows you".

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