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Diego closed Jessica's room door. He needed to fuck and his damned wife was asleep. Now he'll have to call one of those bimbo's, he hated fucking bimbo's only Lord knows how many people they've fucked, he preferred his wife she was loyal and she was his. He'll just go to bed, he had a rough night, he had made sure he dealt with all those who wanted to take over his territory.

He had taken over this business after his uncle died, his uncle didn't have any son and didn't want his only daughter getting her hands dirty so he had given it to his only nephew who he had groom since he was born.

Diego didn't know his father, his mom had been too fucked up by his dad leaving that she became a drug addict and had to drop Diego with his uncle so he'll have proper care. Diego still loved his mother, he visited her almost everyday, he made sure she had a doctor in her house to help her recover from her addiction and a nurse to keep her company while taking care of her.

So much responsibility, then there was Jessica his wife, she was loyal but stubborn, he didn't even remember how many times he had to discipline her, but she was a good girl. He'll fuck her in the morning, right now he just wanted to sleep and forget about all his enemies.

Knock knock

"who the fuck is it?"

"Boss you have a visitor"

He couldn't get a moments rest. Diego came out to meet his visitor one of his managers. 

"Boss we've found new market for the drug, some high school kids, want to get your approval to start distribution"

"High school kids you say, how sure are you about these kids, and how young are they, we don't want kids who can't manage their shits and getting us in trouble"

"I checked them out they are hard core, teenagers with rough or no parental history, rogues"

"Okay then you can sell it"

"Okay boss, good night"


Now he could go to bed. He needed to restock his ammunitions in the morning and replace his dead men. 

Diego had gotten a call that morning that things were getting pretty heavy in one of his clubs, as another group had come to take over that area. He had to go there with his men to fight them off, he didn't like his men to fight alone lest they think he couldn't get the job done.

He liked to show them what he was capable of and also gain respect and loyalty, showing his men that he'll die with them. His uncle had taught him that, he missed the old man he knew had to get the job done and always knew what to do.

He had never met his daughter Wendy no one had ever seen her. He used to go visit her alone in a country no one knew. He hoped Wendy was okay wherever she was, he wasn't even sure her name was Wendy because his uncle had taken so much time and effort to keep her hidden. She didn't even come for the burial or if she did no one knew because no one knows her. Well that was her problem he had his own problems to take care of.

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