The Deal

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Jessica pretended to consider Mr handsome's proposal over a glass of liqour.
Jessica had nothing to loose, if  they succeeded she'll be free and if they don't she dies,  she did want to kill herself before he proposed the deal anyway. "Okay I'll do it, so what's your name?"

"Bond". Jessica couldn't believe this guy. He actually made up a name as obvious as Bond, freaking "James  Bond?".

"Yeah" he said with all seriousness, not even breaking a smile at how ridiculous it sounded.

"Is that a joke? Cause I know for sure that isn't your birth name"

"It isn't but that's what I want you to call me for now". He said still in an all serious business-like manner .Jessica really didn't get the guy. Who fakes a name from a movie and doesn't even smile or admit It's a joke?.

Well if he could fake names she would too. " that's fair, you can call me storm".

" like x-men storm?"

"Yeah" Deal then. I'll contact you and let you know the plan". With that said Bond walked away as quietly as he walked in.

Jessica felt a ray of hope. How was he going to contact her?. They hadn't even exchanged contacts or made a plan about a meeting point. Bond will probably figure something out. He seemed like someone who always had things well planned out. So why did he sneak in when everyone was out?. She still wondered where everyone was but she was glad they had all gone out. Did he plant bugs or cameras.

All these thoughts kept running through her mind. She definitely needed to cheer up and stop thinking about other people's problems because whatever he came there to do was his problem. 

For the first time in years she decided to do something fun  for herself.

She'll fix herself something to eat, check out some YouTube beauty tips, dance a bit, watch funny videos online and sleep. Hopefully her husband won't come back till she's done with her bucket list. She played loud music and had fun with herself, she hadn't danced or laughed or even cooked in years. She felt strange but happy like the first time Diego had come into her life and charmed her, she  still believed that at some point Diego had actually loved her, before he turned so demonic. Those days were beautiful and filled with laughter. She remembered once he took her on a surprise date. A picnic on a beautiful garden by a lake.  The sight was breathtaking she hadn't seen anything so captivating.  At that moment she said the L word for the first time to Diego. How stupid she was to have been fooled so easily.  Must have been the wine. Stupid alcohol always making us do dump shit. That was one memory among others others she wished she could forget. How nice amnesia sounded. She should look so she could hire someone to give her a hard blow to the right side of her head. How wonderful the thought of it all was. Forgetting about Diego completely.
She turned up the volume higher to drawn away all depressing thoughts and fall into peaceful self absorbed ecstasy.

By 7pm Jessica was exhausted she had found ways to make her own cloths, she was tired of shopping and had so many cloths she didn't wear anymore, now she could transform those cloths to whatever she wanted, she had cooked herself a delicious Mexican pasta, danced her feet off, had a warm bath accompanied with red wine and soft music and was ready for bed.

Just then she heard voices outside well they must be back she thought, so she hurried to bed. She always loved her bed so soft and welcoming. She felt her muscles relax as she dozed off. She pretended to be in deep sleep whe Diego opened her door and called for her.  He could burn in hell for all she cared. His voice just ruined her beautiful day. He must be a demon sent to destroy every piece of happiness in her life. She hoped she wouldn't have nightmares as she slept off.

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