Chapter 15: An advanture under water

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Lizzie's POV
Ughhhhh!!! I am so bored! How am I so bored when I have 2 weeks of no school. I am just lying down on my couch with my pink fuzzy sweater and sweatpants with pink slippers on me. And than Stacy just screams super loud and I rush to her room!

Lizzie: Stacy what's wrong!!!

Stacy: I just had an idea!

Lizzie: tell me, tell me, tell me!

Stacy: so my sister said that she is building a new colony for the mermaid...

Lizzie: wait, you had a sister?

Stacy: oh... I forgot to tell you. Anyway I had the idea that maybe we can visit for a day or 2.

Lizzie: wait what do you mean by "we"?

Stacy: I can turn you in to a mermaid when ever I want.

Lizzie: let's go than!

Stacy: wait!

Lizzie: what?

Stacy: what if your parents won't give permission?

Lizzie: well I will just tell my parents that we are going to a camp.

Stacy: ok than.

Lizzie: shouldn't I go pac my stuff.

Stacy: They will all get wet. Just put on a cool top on and you are ready.

Lizzie: OK?

Lizzie's POV
I go to my closest and chose my best t-shirt and it was a kawaii cat on it. So me and Stacy went down to my mum and we asked her that can we go to this cool camp that we saw. And it was ok with her because we had nothing to do.
So after that, we went to beach right next to the castle.

Lizzie: C'mon Stacy let's go.

Stacy: slow down Lizzie we need to find a safe hiding space to turn in to a mermaid.

Lizzie: oh how about we go under water and I hold my breath and in the mean time you can turn me in to a mermaid.

Stacy: perfect.

(They go under water and Stacy turns in to a mermaid.)

Stacy: Ready Lizzie?

Lizzie: (she nods)

Stacy: oh right I forgot that you can't breathe yet hah!

(She turns in to a mermaid and Lizzie has a pink glittery mermaid tail and Stacy has a blue gradient tali.)

Lizzie: OMG... look at my tail it's so cute!

Stacy: I knew you would like it.

Lizzie: let's go now! I want to meet your sister! Edit: I by accidentally wrote on part wrong and I fixed it.

Stacy: ok! but don't tell anyone that you are a human, because my castle got wrecked by humans.

Lizzie: don't worry. I won't tell anybody. Now c'mon let's go already.

Stacy: fine

Hey my little Attorneys it's me Nifty and I have a contest. Who ever wins gets to be in the next few chapters.

Now how do you enter this contest you may ask, well...

To enter you need to give me your name or a random name doesn't matter.

Than you need to comment me this. #jizzie!

And I will chose a random name.

The contest ends tomorrow so
AKA July 14 y'all have 1 day!

And that means to day is the Friday the 13th and I hope you will all watch a scary movie that I won't be at! Lol!
The contest is finished I repeat the contest is finished!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now