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"ɪ'ᴍ sᴇʟғɪsʜ, ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪᴍ ɪ'ᴍ sᴇʟғɪsʜ, ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ you ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟɪsᴛᴇɴ"

~ ʜᴀʀʀʏ sᴛʏʟᴇs 'ᴡᴏᴍᴀɴ'

We were gone almost two weeks, even with my new abilities we almost had to retreat against those vampires, there was just too many of them. So, we called in Kol who may not be an Argent, but who would do anything for his girlfriend. He came midway through the trip and helped us finish up so we could make it home in time for Carole Lockwood's funeral. 

Klaus and I had been arguing about Mayor Lockwood's death over the phone for the last few days. I didn't think she should be held accountable for Tyler's actions, but Klaus told me that he deserves to lose just as much family as I did. 

Kol, my father and I showed up at the funeral before even stopping home for a brief minute. We picked up clothes out of town so that'd we be prepared. As we walked up to the church Damon stood waiting at the door with a smirk. 

"Alli, you have a minute? Alone?" Damon asked and I rolled my eyes. I looked past him and inside the church, Elena was glaring my way. 

"Sure, Damon. I'll meet you inside." I said dropping Kol's hand and walking to the side of the church with Damon. 

"I think you and your little boyfriend should leave town for a while." Damon said and I scoffed. He wanted to protect her. 

"And I think you should mind your own business." I said going to walk away. 

"Alli!" He said speeding at me and pinning me to the building by my throat. 

"We have white oak. I just don't want you to get hurt, I promised myself I'd never help them hurt you." He said and with my strength I shoved him off of me. 

"You guys never quit, huh? So, again you are choosing Elena, and her crazy plan?" I asked and he stayed quiet. 

"Just do me a favor, alright? When she orders one of you to kill me, look me in the eyes when you do it." I said and went to walk away. 

"Allison, come on!" Damon yelled in frustration. He'd never do that, even if Elena asked. 

"If I catch her anywhere near my family with a stake, she's dead. I will not hesitate, same goes for that brother of yours." I said and walked away. 

Kol was already waiting outside the front of the church, to listen in on what Damon had to say. "I should find Rebekah, she'll taunt them and go after Elena. I can't let them kill my sister." He said and I took a deep breath. We parted ways, he went for Rebekah, and I for Klaus. He and I had some catching up to do. 

At the Gilbert's Lake house, I found out how Jeremy was now the next hunter and was training to build his tattoo. 

"So, I've been here for the last few weeks with Damon and Matt. Damon's been a jerk but what else is new." Jermey explained and I nodded. 

"You don't need to do this Jer, no one is forcing you to complete this." I said just as Klaus and Damon walked up. 

"On the contrary love, he has no choice." Klaus said and I turned to face them. 

"I was looking for you." I said and he nodded. "Just a moment, love. How many vampires has he killed?" Klaus asked Damon. 

"If we throw Jeremy out into the real world right now, he's chum." Damon said and Klaus held a hard look. 

"Yeah, see, that's not a number. Twelve. That's a number. That's how many of my hybrids I slaughtered with my sword. Three. That's how many days it took to quell the urge to kill your brother after he knowingly watched as I walked into a death trap. One. That's the number of purposes you serve. You are here to grow Jeremy's mark, so I'll ask again...How many vampires has he killed since he's been here?" Klaus said and I couldn't help but look surprised. He didn't tell me all of that over the phone. 

"Zero." Damon said with a smirk.

"That's a pity. I'm going to need that cure sooner rather than later. Hybrid shortage and all. How can I help?" Klaus asked and I wanted to ask what the cure was but knew it wasn't the time. 

"You know, now that you mention it...Jeremy, watch and learn." Damon said taking a gun from Jeremy and firing it at Klaus. My hand quickly raised and took the hit of the bullets rather than Klaus' gut. 

"Ali! Come on!" Damon yelled annoyed as I pulled the bullets out of my hand. Klaus smirked, he thought how a hybrid would've done the same, but unlike them she would always be loyal by choice. 

"Let's catch up, love." He said and I followed behind him as he walked into the woods. 

"What's the cure for?" I asked and he laughed, he thought I was joking. 

"Kol never told you?" He asked with a smirk and I shook my head no. 

"It's for vampirism, in simpler terms it can take someone like you and I and make them human." He explained and I nodded. 

"That's why everyone is working so hard to find it? You want it for Elena?" I asked and he agreed. 

"It seems as if we can all agree to that." He said and I sighed. "Why didn't Kol tell me?" I asked and he smirked. 

"He thought you'd ask me for it and I'd give it to you. But, I can admit it, I'm selfish. I want you for an eternity." He said and I couldn't help but chuckle. At-least he could be honest. 

"Oh, I daggered Rebekah. She's undone now, but she's going to be very angry." Klaus said and I laughed. 

"Kol can deal with her."


I waited for Kol to get home, and it took longer than I had thought. It was already nightfall when he came walking up the steps of the mansion. 

"Rebekah will hate him for an eternity." He said walking into the house as I followed behind him. 

"It can't be worse than what Klaus did." I said and was ignored. 

"I killed the professor who knew how to find the cure. She wanted the cure and I killed him so he couldn't tell her." He explained and my eyes went wide. Klaus was not going to like that. 

"At least she knew what is was. You lied to me, you knew this whole time." I said and he turned back looking angry. 

"Because I knew you'd want it! You hate being this, you would've never chose to be one of us given the choice!" He yelled as he flared his arms a bit. 

"You're right I wasn't given a choice in anything! I was forced to be an Argent, forced to sit around and watch everyone I love die! Every decision was made for me either by Damon or Klaus! And now you! I didn't choose you. I didn't choose to fall in love with you, but I did choose to trust you. I can see I've made a mistake." I said choosing the wrong time to use the word love for the first time, but I didn't care. 

"Go on! Walk away like everyone else in this god forsaken family!" He yelled and I turned back. 

"Did you kill him so I could never have a choice?" I asked and he stayed quiet. 

"You are so god damn selfish! If you would've asked me, you would've known how I wouldn't of even considered it! Yeah, that's right! I don't want it! I want you, forever, but if that's so hard to believe then to hell with you!" I screamed and as I went to walk away, he sped at me and pinned me to the door. 

"You love me?" He asked lightly, a gloss tint around his eyes from the reflection of the light. I just nodded in response. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart." He said loosening his grip on my throat and moving his hand to stoke my cheek. 

"I love you. Always and Forever, my darling."

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