A Fight

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Leo's P.O.V

It was night time and me and my brothers Raph, Donnie and Mikey were patrolling the city. We each jump across a rooftop landing on the next one until all four of us halted to keep a lookout for any danger.

"This is so boring!" Mikey complained. He flopped himself down sitting and was quiet for a few seconds before he gasped with a big smile on his face.

"How about we race somewhere? It'll be faster and more fun!" Mikey suggested.

"Well I could use something entertaining." Raph said.

Mikey stood up excitedly. "So where do we race then?" he asked looking at us.

Me and Donnie stayed quiet not sure where until Raph stood up from where he was sitting. "How about we race to the hotel?" he suggested. My heart litterly skipped a beat. The only hotel that we've been to before was the Wolf Hotel building. And that was where me and the guys first fought Shredder, and where I was almost killed. I hated that building.

"Well the only hotel around here is the Wolf Hotel, but what do you guys think?" Donnie said.

"Wolf building it is then!" Mikey said excitedly.

"Heck yeah!" Raph yelled smiling. They all look over at me. Raph begins to snigger. He knows what I'm going to say.

"Alright then." I say. Raph glares at me. Obviously I didn't say no which is what he wanted, but I knew it was. We each get ready to start racing. Without warning Raph takes off and me, Donnie and Mikey run too. It didn't take very long before we were almost there. I could almost imagine Shredder being there waiting to kill us at the second we step foot there but I shaked away my fear. I jumped across a wide alley landing on the Wolf Hotel on the other side and then my brothers got there moments after I did. I won the race.

"Aw man, looks like Leo beat us." Mikey said a little disappointed but he looked like he still had fun. Donnie was panting from exhaustion and passed out falling on his side. Before I knew it, Raph pushes me making me stumble backwards and sweeped his leg at mine tripping me as I fall. What the heck was his deal?!

"Cheater! I started going first, I should've won!" Raph yelled.

"Dude chill out, it was just out of fun!" Mikey said defending me. I forced myself up only to see Raph growl at Mikey and grabbed his shell flinging him aside.

"Raph that's enough!" I yell grabbing his arm. Raph growled at me like a wolf and took out his sai cutting me across my shoulder and kicked me away. I get up on my feet again my blood leaking from the cut.

"You shut up Leo! I'm not putting up with this idiotic stuff anymore! Not from you anyway!" Raph yelled pointing his sai at me. I didn't respond to him. All I want is for Raph to calm down! Raph charges at me and cuts me again moving too fast for me to even see it coming. I backed up feeling blood going down past my eye now. He's cut me across the side of my head.

"Raph calm down, I don't wanna fight you." I say to him trying to fight the pain. But Raph just sneered at me.

"Because you're a coward! You've always been one! Just go away and never come back Lame-o-nardo!" Raph yelled. He threw a throwing star at me and it hits my shoulder making me scream in pain then he turns around and takes off. I pulled out the throwing star and dropped it on the ground. More of my blood leaked out of me but I didn't care. I stand up and run away. I didn't want to get hurt anymore.

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