The New Girl - Chapter 1

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A black haired girl stood outside her front door and shook her head again at the guy in the door case. "It'll be alright, Kichi. Stop worrying." She gave him a cautious smile as she stood there with her hands in the pockets of her cardigan. They were halfway through October and while it was still not cold enough for jackets and scarves, it was chilly enough that she needed another layer.

"Yeah, but..." her older brother started. He was around a head taller than her and looked down at her with worry in his frown. They had just moved to a new town and she wanted to go exploring on her own a bit. He was against the idea for multiple reasons. "I just don't want you to get lost or anything, Shizuka."

"It's not that big a town, I'll be fine," Shizuka reassured him, sending him what she hoped was a convincing smile for an extra measure. "I just want to check out the park. It's like... two streets away," she said, pointing to the right which she desperately hoped was the right direction before looking back at him and sighing. "And I need a break from unpacking, you know." She had spent most of the day carrying boxes from the entrance to their designated rooms and many hundreds of other small tasks before she finally got to work on her own room.

"Yeah, because you did a great job of that. How much did you get done there?" her brother asked her, cocking his head to the side and sending her a smirk.

"Enough," Shizuka said, looking away defiantly with a pout. She had only finished a single of her own boxes before she suddenly got an overwhelming need to get out of the house and look around and it suddenly wasn't fun to convince him of the validity of her idea anymore. "Look, I've got my phone on me and I'll be back soon enough," she told him, looking back into his eyes and deciding the topic for both of them. "I'll call if I change my plans." Then she laughed a single "heh" under her breath and her frown turned into a smile as she remembered an old, weird joke. "Besides, I've got my invisible friend to help me out if anything should happen." With that she turned around, walked out of their front yard and turned left down the main road, leaving her brother feeling vaguely annoyed at how often she used that joke like it concluded everything.




She was lost.

It was always annoyingly hard to keep the moral high ground during an argument with her brother when he had a point. Still doable, but hard.

Shizuka took another look around the street just to be completely sure she was absolutely lost and found that she was undoubtedly extremely far away from the road she was supposed to have taken. She had probably turned left too early and ended up making the situation worse when she tried to fix it... Now she was standing at a t-cross with no street signs or land marks to point her in the right direction. There were a number of private houses around, but asking them for help would have been out of the question even if there had been any light in there. That's just not done. On top of that, there was no one around on the street or in their gardens, the weather being too grey and cold for a trip without purpose. She would have liked to ask google maps, but had forgotten to charge her phone like a dummy. It barely had battery left and she needed to conserve it so her family could get in touch with her if necessary, especially if she was going to keep being lost. As such, her only option was to... walk around aimlessly some more?

Just as she was thinking that, Shizuka noticed three teenagers around her age walk down the street towards her. A girl and two boys, all white. Well, one of the boys seemed darker than the two others, but it was hard to tell specifics at a distance. Seeing any shades of brown honestly surprised Shizuka, who had not been expecting much from a small town in the middle of the Danish country side in the race department. The girl and paler boy both had long auburn hair and were visibly related, even at a distance. The sister had hair going to her waist while her brother had it pulled back in a ponytail. The sister seemed chubby, though her loose clothes could also have helped in that impression. Her brother was smaller and he also seemed to have a more... girly build than most, though the other boy may have influenced that comparison. The darker boy seemed extremely muscular even through his many layers and was generally bigger than the siblings. His brown hair spiked around in a way that was obviously intentional and left no doubt that he spent a lot of time on it. Shizuka was pretty sure parts of the hair was dyed different shades as well, but it was hard to tell.

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