The New Girl - Chapter 2

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It was around ten the day after she had met Sjisuka and Diana was eating her breakfast at the table in the middle of their kitchen when Dylan entered the room. The table was more designed for making food than eating it, but they had gotten some tall chairs because the twins were lazy as hell whenever possible and leaving the room would be far too much work in the weekend. Dylan went to the fridge before speaking, but didn't bother finishing his search for breakfast before he started.

"Did you have fun ditching us yesterday?" He said with a tone that clearly indicated his joking state of mind.

Diana smirked. "Yeah, it was fun. Maybe I should do it more often."

"Aww, really?" He looked away from the fridge to make sure she was joking along.

"Of course not, silly! Can't you take a joke?" she laughed.

"Only when I don't get worried." He turned back to the fridge, before continuing. "I don't want to lose you, you know." While his tone had been light before, it suddenly turned serious.

"I'm sure I can convince the teacher that I can work with you guys, if you want," Diana said without much intensity. They had been assigned a large task in Danish right before the vacation and the teacher had if not forced, then urged Diana to join a different group than her boys. This wasn't all that bad in its own: She liked her classmates and got fantastically along with almost all of them. So, of course, she had been forced to join the only two people she could imagine not wanting to work with: Belinda and Danielle. Diana really didn't like how they tried to build themselves up by tearing other people down and generally tried to ignore their existence.

"I mean in general." He left the fridge, taking some bread and some toppings with him. "We're growing older. We're gonna get different hobbies and different friends. I don't want to lose us."

"Dylan," Diana said, getting up from her seat and looking her brother straight in the eyes, "We're twins. We're always going to be together. And I promise. I'm not gonna get any friends who will cut the two of us apart."

Dylan frowned for a moment before answering. "I want to keep us, but that doesn't mean I don't want to evolve. I'm glad you feel the same way, but don't take it too far, sis." He sat down next to his sister's seat. "So! What are your plans for today?"

Diana sat down again. "I dunno. Walk around town or something." She shrugged. "You?"

"Pretty much the same. I think The Caboodle's getting new stocks today." The Caboodle was a local shop. It sold a little bit of pretty much everything, but the twins mainly went there for the ice cream.

Diana nodded. "That sounds like a plan."

They ate breakfast in the comfortable silence that occurs when friends run out of things to talk about, the one where smiles tell so much that there's no need for words.


Shizuka's start of the day was slightly less comfortable than Diana's. Kichirou was still pissed that she had come home so late and while their father had managed to quell Kichi's anger, he had also told Shizuka that since she had been out for so long, she would have to finish unpacking her boxes in one day. They had to return the boxes they had borrowed and a lot of the borrowed boxes had been used for Shizuka's stuff. It would also be nice to live in a place that wasn't filled with boxes so she had easily agreed to it. She got a bit annoyed when her dad and brother decided to go shopping for necessities without her, but Kichi had pointed out that she had already had her day in town and her father reminded her that they had to return those boxes soon. Begrudgingly, Shizuka accepted.

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