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ParkMochi. Possessive huh? Sorry not sorry, but she was mine first. Tsk!


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Proudarmy. Who is she???

Chiminsmol. Whoever she is~ She's so lucky!! (T ^ T)

Leader_Kim. It's so amusing to watch you try to kill each other! Hahaha~

GoldenKookie. Aren't they sweet hyung? @ParkMochi

ParkMochi. Ha Ha Ha. Very funny! (—,—) @GoldenKookie

HandsomeJ. Hopefully I won't experience this.

HouseofCards. What is happening to my boys??? (T ^ T)

EUPHORIA. They're growing up too much!

ONPONMOOON. Are they falling in love?

Sunshinebts. I don't know what to feel!

MicDroppp. Me too! °^°

Sunshinebts. I feel happy for them but sad for me! (T ° T)

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