Four: The Truth is More Twisted Than the Lies

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   I woke up with Colleen by my side, her sleeping figure so peaceful, making me smile. My face fell when I realized I had to make it to breakfast. I was changing into a dress when I turned to see Colleen staring. "Hey!" I exclaimed, "be polite." She laughed, and got dressed herself. We walked arm in arm to the dining room, and the guard posted at the door looked uncomfortable. Colleen pulled me closer, as if to say, "Back off."

   I sat down at the table, and realized that Alexander was sitting in Daddy's seat. I glared at Mother, and I realized that she didn't want him to sit there any more than I did. He was of age, and Mother had just been putting it off. I steeled myself, and Colleen gave me a kiss on the cheek. I love her so much. Breakfast was completely silent, and I could tell Colleen understood why.

   After breakfast, Colleen and I got dressed for riding, and walked to the stables, hand in hand. The same knight from breakfast was posted near the stables. Strange. We changed into our riding outfits, and I helped her up onto her horse. "Trust me," I reassured her, "the faster you go, the more magical it feels." "Are you sure?" she asked, "it just seems so dangerous." "Trust me Colleen," I replied, "I love you, and I want you to be safe. I promise." "Ok," she finally said, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I got on Henry, and said, "Ready? Go!" We raced across the field together, and I grabbed Colleen's hand. I saw her smiling, feeling the same magic I felt all those years ago on Archie. When we finally finished, I smiled at her. "I told you it would be magical," I announced. "But not as magical as this," she added, pulling me in for a kiss.


   I heard shouting in the corridor, shaking me awake. "I know those were direct orders from someone messing with my head!" a voice shouted, "ever since she disappeared, I hoped to see her again, but not like this in a sick twisted game!" "They were orders from Her royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth Hanna herself!" the other voice responded, "you happy now?!" "Maybe she still loves me," the first voice said, walking away, "I'm going to ask her tomorrow." Colleen sat up, and told me, "I need to tell you something because I'd rather you hear it from me." "What is it?" I asked her. "I used to work here, and I would get distracted by you. A lot. I would stare at you, and wonder if you had ever even noticed me. There was only one problem. I was married to a knight named Sir Joshua Evans. When I almost got fired for it, we had a fight, and I ran away," she explained, "do you hate me?" "No, that's actually kind of cute!" I answered, giving her an encouraging smile. "There's more," she told me, "when I ran away, I found a guy that took care of me, and his name was Erik Stocklin. But when the royal announcement came in the mail, I realized the truth. I love you, Gabrielle Hanna, and only you. I guarded myself from everyone but you, and now it's time for me to live happily ever after with you. All we have to do is finally get rid of my official last name: Evans." "I guess you're my knight in shining armor," I told her, hugging her tight. "And I guess you're my beautiful princess," she replied. "We'll talk about this in the morning, ok Colleen?" I suggested. "Ok," she replied, and she snuggled into my arms as we fell asleep. Why would mother post him near us? Did she know?

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