My life

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my life is like a book right now. I have those sad days that I never want to move on from but I just have to turn the page and hope for the happiness to shine.

today was probably the worst day. my mom told me that I had to go to camp in the mountains, my brother is being super annoying and this really weird girl won't leave me alone at the park. how am I suppose to deal with all this? Ugh life, sometimes it just needs a little spark to get the fire started.

all of a sudden I get a call from the university or Texas (that is where I live) saying that they wanted me to go to basketball camp there for the next week. I got a call!? I never get asked to do anything like this. my school coaches hate me because I'm not in the clique or whatever. I think they are just jealous of my amazing basketball skills.

so I tell them I will be there. I run to the computer to send my dad a message and I say:

dear dad,

       I just got a call from the university of Texas to go to basketball camp there! I am so excited because finally someone actually notices my true talent. I miss you dad, a lot. please stay safe.. I will see you in three months :)

                                 ~ baby girl

I hit the send button and then log off. I think to myself I probably should be out practicing for this camp. I then go grab a basketball and head out to my outdoor hoop. I really wanted my hoop indoors in our basement but Riley wanted to put his stupid skateboard thing there. ugh, brothers.

I was shooting my last 10 shots from the elbow and I swished every single one. I was proud of myself. I am not a post in basketball. definetly not a post. I am a shooting guard for the lady stars. a travel AAU basketball team that travels the state to qualify for nationals.

school ends in 5 days, and I am going to be graduating eighth grade. I am very sad that my dad can't make it to my graduation, but I understand that he is out there fighting for our country.

my mom always tells me to keep hope no matter what but you never know what the future will bring. but anyways I should probably tell you more about me. I love basketball, lacrosse, and soccer. I also dance for a dance studio in my town. I have four best friends that will be by me through everything that happens in my life. their names are Lauren, Keeley, eliza, and ashlyn. I will never forget about them :)

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