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I find Andy is already there when I arrive. Without a word, Dr. Ramsay dims the lights and turns on the two light boxes mounted on the wall. He pulls the transparent scans from their orange envelopes. Quickly, he clips a sheet to each of the boxes. Andy and I both move in for a closer look. 

          "This is the CT we did of her brain." Dr. Ramsay tells us. He steps back and allows us a closer look since he had already studied the scans before we arrived. I turn my attention back to the images of Emberly's brain and see...nothing. Where there should be masses, there's nothing. I turn to Andy and we both face the oncologist. 

          "There's nothing there." Andy whispers, unable to get his voice any louder. 

          "What about her cervix or lymph nodes? Did any of the other scans show anything?" I question. For the first time in months, Dr. Ramsay openly grins. 

          "They're all clean. The cancer is gone." He tells us. I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders. I can't stop the smile that plants itself on my face. Andy is matching my joy. We all embrace each other, overcome with happiness and excitement. 

          "Let's wake her up and tell her the good news. It's time to take Emberly home." Andy says, giddy. We follow him up to Emberly's hospital room, a skip clear in our steps. 

He did it. He saved her. She's going to be fine.

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