Chapter Ten

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I wake up to my head pounding. I try to reach up to find the sore spot, but my hand gets caught in tubing. I pry my eyes open, the pain in my head magnifying. I let out a groan. 

          "Andy?" I recognize Jinxx's concerned tone. I easily find him, sitting in a pink vinyl chair. I realize I'm in a hospital bed. I can feel the nasal cannula resting on my face. My head throbs.

         "What happened?" I meet his gaze. He face softens some, obviously relieved. 

         "You passed out. You busted your head open and lost a lot of blood. You had to get 13 stitches. It scared the shit out of us, man." He explains. While he's talking, I run my fingers over the bandage taped to my forehead and side of my temple. 

         "Where's Em?" I hear the heart monitor start to increase in speed. Jinxx won't meet my eyes.

        "She's still in surgery. She, uh, she has crashed 8 times so far." His voice is heavy with unshed tears. "Ashley is still in the OR. He brings us updates when he can." 

        "She's going to die." I whisper, feeling tears spring to my eyes.  Jinxx doesn't deny my statement. The door opens,  and a tired looking Ashley comes in. His face softens considerably when he sees that I'm awake.

        "Andy-" He starts. My heart is pounding. I can't tell if he is about to deliver good or bad news.

        "Is she alive?" I manage. He pauses, then nods. 

        "Her heart stopped again, but we got it going. They're closing now. I don't know about her mental function or if she's going to even make it through the night. At this point, it's a waiting game." He tells me. 

I sit up, pulling out the IV's connected to me and ripping off the electrodes. I notice that whoever brought me into this room left my scrub pants on me and stripped me of my shirt only. Jinxx tosses me my missing piece of clothing and I pull it on, along with my shoes.

       "I need to see her." I tell Ash. He nods and leads me to her room without another word. When we get there, I find that Jake and CC are there already. Jake relinquishes his chair by Em's bedside so I can sit by her. 

        "What happened?" CC's voice is void of all his usual life and charisma. He's standing across from me, staring down at Emberly. I turn my attention to Ashley and wait for his answer. 

         "They apparently were medicating her at the facility, but they neglected to monitor what they gave her together or the dosages. She slowly overdosed and her stomach wall wore so thin from the mixture that it tore wide open. They got it closed again, but we have to wait and see about any lasting deficits. I'm sorry there isn't more I can tell you." He says. 

A thick silence fills the room. We all sit with our thoughts as we wait. Hours pass in silence, and soon only I remain in the room. The others had other obligations and couldn't stay. I rest my head on the bed, quietly waiting for the girl in front of me to wake again.

A/N: Sorry about the short and shitty chapter guys. Dealing with a bit of writers block. Anyways, let me know what you think. I'll try to get another chapter up by the end of the upcoming week.

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