- Chapter 21 -

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Moving into the pack house went better than I expected. Despite my protests, Jaxon refused to let me have my own room, instead making me share a room with him. Kasey seemed to be torn between being disgusted and giving me suggestive looks whenever she saw Jaxon and me together, much to my amusement.

"As much as I ship Jalyssa, the thought of my alpha and my best friend together just..." Kasey let out an exaggerated shiver.

My eyebrows raised in surprise at this. "Best friend, huh?"

Kasey shrugged. "Seems fitting. Alex and James are too busy fawning over Jaxon all the time, and you're the only other girl in the pack house, so..." Her eyes widened, as if she had realized something suddenly. "Wait... you're not going to start ignoring me for Jaxon too, are you?"

I let out a bright laugh at that, but before I was able to reply, the door opened behind me to reveal Jaxon, the loose white shirt he had on doing nothing to conceal his chiseled physique.

"Having gossip sessions while I'm out training, are we?"

Kasey flipped him off, falling back onto her bed with a loud sigh. "I know what you're here for. Here to steal my company away from me, again."

Jaxon's eyes were bright as he approached me, his arms tensing in preparation. I noticed the way that he bent his knees slightly, as though ready to pick up something heavy. We both shared a look before I took off, spinning around him as I shot out of the door. Jaxon chased me, trying to pick me up and haul me over his shoulder to his – no, our – room.

We were both laughing loudly as I sprinted down the stairs, vaulting myself over the side of the railing to reach the ground faster. I could hear Jaxon running down the rest of the stairs behind me as I took off out of the main door, making my way to the training grounds.

I smiled as I passed a few bewildered pack members, who all shook their heads fondly as they noticed Jaxon chasing me.

"You can't outrun me, Reynolds!"

I laughed loudly at this, the training grounds in sight. "What does it look like I'm doing right now, Adler?"

I heard a playful growl from behind me, and then suddenly the sound of Jaxon's thundering footsteps turned into four swift feet racing across the dirt.

I pushed myself to run faster, but was soon tackled to the ground by an oversized fluff ball.

Jaxon's wolf form was beautiful. He was also the largest wolf I've ever seen, with his thick black fur making him look even more intimidating.

I rolled my eyes as Jaxon licked my nose teasingly, causing my to scrunch up my nose in feigned disgust.

"Oh come on, we don't know where that tongue has been, wolfy."

Jaxon gave me an unimpressed look, which caused me to laugh loudly once more. I tried to roll out of the way, but Jaxon kept me pinned down with his two front paws.

I then realized that a lot of the pack members at the training grounds had stopped their matches to watch what was unfolding. Jaxon seemed to notice this too, and with one sharp glare from him, everyone reluctantly turned away to continue their fights.

"We can't stay here forever, you know."

Jaxon's eyes glinted, leaping off of me. I was just sitting up when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise. I spun around quickly just in time to see Jaxon's wolf barrelling towards me, jaws open.

"What the fu-?!"

I was cut off when Jaxon picked me up by the back of my shirt, carrying me along like a dog toy.

The Thief and the Alpha (Book One of the Warrior Series) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now