- Chapter 34 -

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Dedicated to Sharky23454, whose votes and comments made my day too!

Dedicated to Sharky23454, whose votes and comments made my day too!

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"You took your time getting here, Alpha Adler. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the urgency of the situation."

Jaxon's playful behaviour had disappeared again, replaced with an unyielding face of stone. His eyes flared slightly as he addressed the diplomat emissary.

"We got here as fast as we could." Without giving the emissary time to retort, Jaxon turned to face the gathered alphas. "Now that Vadim is here, we will be able to plan the heist. Vadim, I'm under the impression that you know the layout of the headquarters?"

Vadim appeared at the other end of the table, the alphas stationed there parting in his wake. He looked uncharacteristically serious as he appeared to recall the layout.

"There's only one entrance that won't be guarded, and even then, we'll have to plan the heist perfectly for this to work. If timing is even a few minutes off, we'll miss our chance.

You see, the Reilly Strip was built on a series of tunnels that were blocked off when the city wanted to expand the subway. However, the one under Scarlet Moon Headquarters remained relatively untouched, and are still intact today. At the moment, they mainly serve as an entrance to guests that can't pass off as human as easily as vampires can."

Vadim's tone was grave as he continued. "We only have one shot at this. There's guards stationed at the entrance at all times, but there's a 5-minute gap for guard changes since the walk is so long to get up to the surface. There's not supposed to be a gap, but I know the guards that are stationed there; they get cocky."

Alpha Easton cut in. "It's been quite a while since you've worked for Alexei. How can you be certain that the guards that work there will be the same, and that the schedule hasn't changed?"

Vadim's eyes turned steely as he addressed the amassed alphas. "I know my brother. He's gotten overconfident; this new weapon has only added to his ego. He won't think that we'd be so brazen as to infiltrate the headquarters head on, especially since he probably doesn't know we're aware the weapon exists yet. Plus, vampires at the headquarters usually get a position and stay there until they're promoted or until they piss someone off and get killed." Vadim shook his head, the steel in his eyes dulling as mischief replaced it. "And trust me. The vampires stationed there will never get promoted in a million years."

Jaxon pressed his lips together. "But we're still not 100% sure that this 5-minute gap will be there."

Vadim shrugged. "It's the best chance we've got."

Jaxon narrowed his eyes, but motioned for Vadim to continue.

"If our darling Alyssa over here can rush up the stairs undetected before the guards relieving the previous shift start making their way down, she should be able to get direct access to the center of the building. The exit from the tunnels leads to the Blue Wing hallway, which is pretty sparsely patrolled."

The Thief and the Alpha (Book One of the Warrior Series) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now