one shot~cheating radke pt. 2

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this part 2 was requested by: spooky_music_lover



Still standing there, I wasn't believing a word he was saying."But I'd understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." Ronnie said, he sounded like he felt bad but I know he can just fake it. I looked him in his brown eyes, sure they weren't anything special but something about them stuck out. "You're right, I don't want to be with you anymore. Not if you want to be with someone else." I said, it felt like he didn't want me and if he didn't I was more than willing to break up. He looked at me confused, I guess he didn't understand why I thought he didn't want me. "(Y/N), I don't want to be with anyone other than you. And I know you're thinking I'm just bullshiting you but I'm not. These last few months we've been together have been amazing and I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my life." Ronnie said, I know he was expecting me to fall for this but I'm not going to this time. It wasn't the first time he was with another girl.

I was quiet for a moment, trying to hold back my tears. "Ronnie, you promised you wouldn't do this again. But you did anyways, so don't expect me to fall for your shit speech. We're done. Go have fun with your little redheaded skank." I said, it took everything in me not to have a complete break down. I walked away, having to walk home since we took Ronnie's car. When I got home I unlocked the door and walked inside, the darkness welcoming me home. I let out a shaky sigh, going up to my bedroom. I cried myself to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Ronnie was everything to me, and I loved him so much words couldn't describe.

When I woke up I felt my makeup was all over my face. I looked at my pillow seeing mascara and eyeliner stains, I didn't care though. I sat up and grabbed my phone, it was 3:25 and there were 8 missed calls from Ronnie. "Shit.." I muttered under my breath, I knew he was gonna try to talk to me. I wanted to badly to call him back but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction so instead I just texted him. I needed to get my things from his house anyways.

(Text message conversation:)

(Y/N): "why are you calling me?"

Ronnie: "I wanted to see if you were okay, I'm really sorry.."

(Y/N): "I honestly doubt that you care Ronnie. So let's skip the fake apologies, I need to get my things from your house. I don't want to talk to you after that, okay?"

Ronnie: "but can't you just give me another chance?"

(Y/N): "I gave you another chance Ronnie and you did the same thing. this is your fault, I'm not gonna just give you more and more chances if you keep doing the same thing."

Ronnie: "I'm not gonna do it again I promise"

(Y/N): "you said that before. this is the end of us Ronnie. I'm just as sorry as you are, but theres nothing we can do."


After I finished texting Ronnie I cleaned my face and changed into something more comfortable. I headed down to Ronnie's house, my stuff was already outside. It was all in a laundry basket with a note on top. I picked it up and it read "(Y/N), I wish you could've given me another chance. I really am sorry and I really do love you. I know you hate me but I'm always going to care about you and I hope you can do the same for me. Don't forget about me. Sincerely RR." After reading the note I felt like he really was telling the truth, but it was too late. The damage was done, I grabbed my things and headed home.

As life went on I really missed Ronnie, he wasn't just a boyfriend to me he was my bestfriend. I kept the note he gave me, and I decided to just be his friend and not anything else. Which worked, he was fine with being friends as long as I was in his life.

ronnie radke; imagines, one shots & more. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now