Amusement Park with Dan

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"Dan is here!"

Your mom's yell snapped you out of your thoughts. You were going to the local amusement with your boyfriend Dan while he was on break from tour. You quickly grabbed your bag, which contained sunscreen, sunglasses, your swimsuit, a towel and some money. You opened the door and said goodbye to your mom. You began walking towards the car and got in the back seat because Cameron and your best friend were in the front seats. You looked to your right and you saw Dan smiling and slightly blushing. "What?" You asked him. "Nothing, you're just gorgeous as always today." You smiled and kissed him. "You guys are so cute, you make me sick." (Y/BF/N) said. You smiled and looked down at your hands before reaching over for Dan's hand. You two always held hands in the car. (Y/BF/N) began backing out of your driveway. Before she could even pull out onto the road, Cameron was reaching for the radio. He decided to listen to whatever CD was in because there was no good music on any of the stations. Being your best friends car, a Hollywood Ending mixtape began playing. "Who is this band? They're really good." Dan sarcastically said. You playfully slapped him before playing along, "It's this band called Hollywood Ending. Their guitarist is super duper cute." "Oh, is that so?" "Yeah, his girlfriend must be super lucky." "I'd say that he's just as lucky to have his girlfriend." You leaned in to kiss him because that comment he made was too cute to not reward him for it. Right before your lips touched, (Y/BF/N) said "Look guys, if you get any cuter, I'm gonna puke and we're crash this car. So stop it for the moment, okay?" You chuckled and Dan was quick to say, "You're such a cockblock." The whole car burst into laughs. After you all calmed down from laughing, you started screaming the lyrics of the song that was currently playing which happened to be "Unbelievable." Dan looked at you shocked before mumbling "I didn't know you were such a dirty girl." You blushed a deep red as he started picking on you about how much of a good girl you are. "Shut up Daniel," you said. "No you shut up (Y/N)" "No, you." "YOU!" "HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH SHUT UP?" Cameron yelled. You stuck out your tongue at Dan. He just shook his head and looked out the window until you arrived. "Um (Y/N), do we have to ride that one?" Dan asked as he pointed to the tallest rollercoaster. "Yes babe, but I'll hold your hand the whole time." This seemed to calm his nerves. You found a parking spot and you all climbed out of the car. After you gathered all of your bags, you headed for the main entrance. As you waited in the long line, you noticed that Dan was shaking slightly. "Dan, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm totally fine babe." "Are you sure because you-" Dan kissed you in the middle of your sentence. "Stop worrying, I'm perfectly fine." You smiled at him and turned around before feeling a pair of arms being wrapped around you. You moved your head to the side so Dan could place his head on your shoulder. You turned your head to give him a quick peck on the cheek. After getting to the front and paying, you were in the park. "(Y/BF/N) and I are gonna let you guys hang by yourselves for the day. Just text me when you want to leave." Cameron informed you. "Okay, have fun guys." You said as you winked at (Y/BF/N) because she has a massive crush on Cam, but he has no idea. After they walked away, you turned to Dan. "Where are we going first?" "Doesn't matter, it's up to you. I don't know any of these rides so take me on the best ones." You thought for a moment before running towards the rollercoaster that you saw on the way in. It's called The Superman. Luckily, the lines weren't long so you only had to wait for three groups before you got on. After getting strapped in, Dan desperately reached for your hand. You let him intertwine his fingers with yours and you could feel the sweat on his hand. "Babe, you will be okay. You have me." He looked over at you and you swear you could almost see the adoration in his eyes as he looked at you. "Okay, so there is a camera on this rollercoaster and I was hoping that maybe we could kiss for the picture?" You asked Dan. He smiled at you and said "Of course." You squealed with excitement and then said "Okay I will lean in towards you when the camera is coming up." And with that, the ride started moving. Dan's grip tightened as you began climbing the hill for the first drop. You gently began rubbing his hand with your thumb and that seemed to calm him a little bit. You reached the top and began your drop. Halfway down the hill, he let go of your hand and shot his arms in the air, yelling. You laughed at how cute he was. After a few more hills and twists and turns, you began reaching the end of the ride which meant the camera was approaching. You began leaning in and Dan noticed and turned and smashed his lips onto yours. You kept kissing until the ride came to a stop, just to make sure the camera caught the perfection of the kiss. You exited the ride and ran to building where they showed the pictures. You pretty much became the heart eyes emoji as you saw the picture. Both you and Dan were smiling mid-kiss and it looked as if nothing else in the world mattered. "Wow, that is perfect." You told Dan. "Yeah, it really is." There was a short silence before Dan walked towards the guy selling the pictures. After a minute, he turned around holding two copies of the picture. You hugged him and said "Thank you so much." "You're welcome babe."

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